
What is the most beautiful chess set style in your opinion?

Okay on the black team starts off with the greatest instrumentalist in the world Jimi Hendrix as the Castle, the legendary Jim Morrison from the Doors as the Knight, Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin with their Stairway to Heaven as the Bishop, Janis Joplin the ultimate flower child as the Queen, Elvis Presley the undisputed King of Rock 'n Roll as King, Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple as the Smoke on the Water Bishop, not my favourite the Beatles represented by John Lennon as the Knight, and riftest James Hetfield from Metallica as the Castle. 
And now for the white team, my favourite of my youth David Gilmour from Pink Floyd as the Castle, the reclusive Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam as the Knight, Eric Clapton and his Layla as the Bishop, big mouth Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones rocking around the world as King, Freddie Mercury the undisputed Queen of the World, the fuel for life Angus Young from ACDC as the Bishop, the californication Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers as the Knight, and finally Kurt Cobain who is in Nirvana now as the Castle.


More information about The Ultimate Legends of Rock and Metal Music Chess Set which was designed and sculptured by Darren Aiken. 
lighthouse wrote:
Okay on the black team starts off with the greatest instrumentalist in the world Jimi Hendrix as the Castle, the legendary Jim Morrison from the Doors as the Knight, Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin with their Stairway to Heaven as the Bishop, Janis Joplin the ultimate flower child as the Queen, Elvis Presley the undisputed King of Rock 'n Roll as King, Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple as the Smoke on the Water Bishop, not my favourite the Beatles represented by John Lennon as the Knight, and riftest James Hetfield from Metallica as the Castle. 
And now for the white team, my favourite of my youth David Gilmour from Pink Floyd as the Castle, the reclusive Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam as the Knight, Eric Clapton and his Layla as the Bishop, big mouth Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones rocking around the world as King, Freddie Mercury the undisputed Queen of the World, the fuel for life Angus Young from ACDC as the Bishop, the californication Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers as the Knight, and finally Kurt Cobain who is in Nirvana now as the Castle.


More information about The Ultimate Legends of Rock and Metal Music Chess Set which was designed and sculptured by Darren Aiken. 



I like this one with the excellent Knight!


Can anyone tell me the name of it? Please . . .


@ Denver: it looks like the St. Petersburg Luxury Artisan series set from CB and also known as the Savano Artisan Series chess set from HOS chess company but the carvers of the set in the picture are likely from India commissioned by the HOS for distribution sales. 

Kenny-Ji wrote:
lighthouse wrote:
Okay on the black team starts off with the greatest instrumentalist in the world Jimi Hendrix as the Castle, the legendary Jim Morrison from the Doors as the Knight, Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin with their Stairway to Heaven as the Bishop, Janis Joplin the ultimate flower child as the Queen, Elvis Presley the undisputed King of Rock 'n Roll as King, Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple as the Smoke on the Water Bishop, not my favourite the Beatles represented by John Lennon as the Knight, and riftest James Hetfield from Metallica as the Castle. 
And now for the white team, my favourite of my youth David Gilmour from Pink Floyd as the Castle, the reclusive Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam as the Knight, Eric Clapton and his Layla as the Bishop, big mouth Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones rocking around the world as King, Freddie Mercury the undisputed Queen of the World, the fuel for life Angus Young from ACDC as the Bishop, the californication Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers as the Knight, and finally Kurt Cobain who is in Nirvana now as the Castle.


More information about The Ultimate Legends of Rock and Metal Music Chess Set which was designed and sculptured by Darren Aiken. 


I think he meant too say Rook ! grin.png

endgame347 wrote:
lighthouse wrote:
Kenny-Ji wrote:
lighthouse wrote:
Okay on the black team starts off with the greatest instrumentalist in the world Jimi Hendrix as the Castle, the legendary Jim Morrison from the Doors as the Knight, Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin with their Stairway to Heaven as the Bishop, Janis Joplin the ultimate flower child as the Queen, Elvis Presley the undisputed King of Rock 'n Roll as King, Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple as the Smoke on the Water Bishop, not my favourite the Beatles represented by John Lennon as the Knight, and riftest James Hetfield from Metallica as the Castle. 
And now for the white team, my favourite of my youth David Gilmour from Pink Floyd as the Castle, the reclusive Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam as the Knight, Eric Clapton and his Layla as the Bishop, big mouth Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones rocking around the world as King, Freddie Mercury the undisputed Queen of the World, the fuel for life Angus Young from ACDC as the Bishop, the californication Anthony Kiedis from the Red Hot Chili Peppers as the Knight, and finally Kurt Cobain who is in Nirvana now as the Castle.


More information about The Ultimate Legends of Rock and Metal Music Chess Set which was designed and sculptured by Darren Aiken. 


I think he meant too say Rook !

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah too late. "PATZER!"

This set would be worth it  just for Elvis !


chess set from phillipines




To my taste it varies.The more common Russian pieces(Zareb,Latvian etc) and the higher quality Staunton sets are lovely.Then there is my new NOJ Red Stained 1961 TAL set and the Edinburgh set I just got(for a song).All really nice....but....for just plain show off it is definitely the C.B. Dragon Knight set!

Just my own taste and opinion(not trying to push any buttons)

Btw,"Eyechess"....Did you get a Waterford Crystal coffer for the Waterford set? -happy.png


my favorite is the Romanian. I'll post a pic later when I'm not on my phone


sound67 wrote:

I love the many variations on the Staunton form, from the "classic" version to the Russian and the more florid "Indian" versions. Abstract, pared-down modern pieces I find diofficult to relate to, and any "figurative" pieces (LOTR, medieval knights, smurfs, etc) turn me off. happy.png

The knight on the right is hideous. Its skin looks wrinkled like an old man.


To me,that is a great photo.Personally,I like different contrasts in sets/pieces....Nice collection you have there.I'm sure you put quite a bit of time deciding on what to acquire.


the most beautiful chess pieces for me are the ones used in 1972 World Championship, between Boris and Fischer. Reykjavik pieces. I love those chess pieces


To my eyes, a vintage Staunton set with the patina (and blemishes) of thousands of games played, is the most beautiful set.


Simple, elegant, affordable en does the job without distracting. 

sound67 wrote:

Fair enough, but that's what's called the lowest common denominator - Light years from the most beautiful chess style.

For me in chess the creativity and imagination is in the game itself. I really like this set. It's well balanced and proportioned , nicely weighted and it meets all official requirements.


I've seen my fair share of artesanal pieces, and yes, they make me drool, but I'll never let go of the very first chess set I played on, a tiny set of Staunton Buxbom pieces and a board with poor dimensions. 

My mother bought it in a bookstore in her youth when she was a hippy, and she showed me how the pieces move when I was about 8 years old and we'd play a couple of games each night for about six months until I started crushing her regularly. She lost interest and in lieu of opponents, I quit chess altogether as well.

I took it up again at age 35 when I met my friend and mentor Alex, the first real chess player to ever cross my path. He also had a Staunton set, only this one was FIDE approved, weighted down, bells and whistles. I fell in love and got myself a set that resembled his, which I unfortunately lost a couple of years back. 

I've set the little board up today, as I'm visiting with the ol' bat, and lo and behold, she's decided to take up chess again. So we're gonna go over the K vs K+P position tomorrow and sort of take it from there. 

Short version: I've got a thing for the simple Staunton set.

sound67 wrote:
TheBaconEater hat geschrieben:

To my eyes, a vintage Staunton set with the patina (and blemishes) of thousands of games played, is the most beautiful set.

If you can afford it.

Antique Jaques Staunton !  yes is possible with alot of saving .

How much can a vintage jaques set be had for?