
Ask Experts and Masters chess questions


Hey guys i am not (yet) and expert but i remember there was simular thread here where GM created topic simular to this (ask GM free question etc)

So i have some chess question that i can't ask at local club or near by strong player because they don't exist much in my area.

So there you go, lets this thread be a one where players can ask and hopefully much stronger players than them could answer... hopefully experts and masters and GMs if you have luck.

So i will start... I am around 1700-1800 FIDE in skills so my question will be related to those 2000+ i guess.. but if anyone have the answer then share.

What move is better and why in this positions.









Looks like lack of strong players...


Dear Expert,

Today in my chess game with my colleague ,  I had only the king to defend and my collegue took 35 move to checkmate with his king, horse and queen.


According to me the rule is 16 move to checkmate the opponent who has king only.


What is the International Chess rule in such situation?






Dear Expert,

How do they program a computer to play at different levels?  Do they "build in" mistakes? Do they have pre-assigned blunders? has various levels of computer competition, but I just don't know how it works.




Did you try computer analysis? No master here but I'd think about a5 and h5 but would try to analyze more deeply to be sure. Negative of a5: allows white to play Na3-c4. Negative of a6: Na3-c4 then b5 takes more space and b6 may follow in some lines locking in the bishop at a7.   Negative of h5 in position 2 is it allows f3 and Bg5. Negative of h6 is it allows h5 then it's hard to avoid g5 which makes a hole at f5 or g6.


When I take all pieces except the king I can only get a stalemate can’t take the last king



In the first position 8...a6 is the best move, to make an escape hole for Bb6 in case of 9 a5.
In the second position 3...d5 is the best move: after a wing attack strike back in the center.

The rule is that the game is a draw after 50 moves without any pawn move or capture. KQ vs. K , KR vs. K, KBB vs. K and KBN vs. K can checkmate much faster. In KNN vs. KP positions where the pawn is past the Troitzky line require more than 50 moves to checkmate and thus are draw.