
Rating around 970-1000 looking to improve at 5min blitz


Does anyone have any good resources on how to improve or some tips to impart from your own journey? Or if someone is feeling generous and could look through some of my games for free and tell me what I can improve on I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks for your time.


Blitz its really addictive and fun, I have played over 6000 games and is nothing compared with some profiles that have played over 30 000 games on blitz, but it doesnt help you to improve, real chess is not blitz chess, real chess is slow, why? because you need to think, I have 1900 on blitz and I say that on blitz you dont think anything, everything pretty much its intuition, you improve if you think, you improve by playing slow games, try slow games and leave the blitz for a while and you will improve not only your chess level but also your blitz


solve tactics and recognise basic tactical patern.this is the fastest way to improve I have improved my rating from 700-1400 in 1 year.Without studying any opening or end game.what I do is solve tactics from real games and play games of slower time controls.

santiagomagno15 wrote:

Blitz its really addictive and fun, I have played over 6000 games and is nothing compared with some profiles that have played over 30 000 games on blitz, but it doesnt help you to improve, real chess is not blitz chess, real chess is slow, why? because you need to think, I have 1900 on blitz and I say that on blitz you dont think anything, everything pretty much its intuition, you improve if you think, you improve by playing slow games, try slow games and leave the blitz for a while and you will improve not only your chess level but also your blitz

Ok thanks I'll try to do that.

cyberwarior wrote:

solve tactics and recognise basic tactical patern.this is the fastest way to improve I have improved my rating from 700-1400 in 1 year.Without studying any opening or end game.what I do is solve tactics from real games and play games of slower time controls.

Ok thanks for the advice.


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