
Alapin Sicilian Help


I know the line is bad for black, and that 8. gxf3 gives white a good position, but is 8. Nxd5 good for white? Has a refutation been found? It seems to be supported by my computer analysis, however shallow it was.

I have only seen one game in the 8. Nxd5 line: Humeau - Sanchez from 2008 in which white won in under 20 moves after converting the material advantage from the opening. 

Any help would be appreciated. 

weepingking wrote:

With the Alapin, c3 should come before d4.

It's a transposition. same thing.



I like the line you posted for black, but I think this is an improvement for white:


exactly. In that line, why can't white just move the dark square bishop and play Rc1 though to save the knight?


I see. So 8. gxf3 is the only way to play the variation


This is a good reply by black to the famous Smith Morra lol.


Yeah it's practically refuted


Hi Rybkashredder,

In response to your disagreement, After 5. where white is forced to take back by cxd4, and both players haven't developed pieces and its black to move. Black can still manage to have a normal piece developement at this point, as i feel that the smith morra has been countered successfully. Black might just be a move behind in developement, but he can still manage without the pawn threats. This is if there are no piece exchanges as shown in the sequence above.


I got ur point, but this game focusses entirely on queenside developement first, and e pawn is played very late on the 13th move, to get piece activity for the bishop and night. I was thinking of more defensive lines, as the initial intention of the sicilian is to defend and develop a strong defensive position before attack.

Post the piece developement and castling, black attacks. In view of this , i was thinking 6. Bishop f5, which is also not uncommon. Subsequent e6 or nf6 can allow kingside development and castling. Ofcourse queen also might have to move, i.e. 2 moves behind....grrrr..i see ur point..


The line is very strong for white. 7...Bxf3+ is almost forced, as any queen move results in 8. d5 with a strong initiative. In this thread we have already discussed white's possibilities after 7...Bxf3+ which don't look good for black either. That's why I believe 6...Bg4 is inaccurate. 


I agree, but white should have a harder time winning against 6...e5, which at least gives black a chance for equality


If white just played gxf3 instead of Nd5 he would be like winning more than +1.3 from Nd5 and gxf3 is better obviously so why are we having a discussion on this

RybkaShredder wrote:

6...e5 might be best but white is still better with correct play


Chesserman63 wrote:
RybkaShredder wrote:

6...e5 might be best but white is still better with correct play

