
Bird's Opening


I played through a few Bird's Opening games today in the bookstore, and I was intrigued to say the least. 

Timothy Taylor (IM who wrote the book on the Bird that I read today) had some interesting points about the Bird, such as white's valuable e5 square, how it's like a reversed dutch with an extra tempo, how From's Gambit isn't as good as people think it is, etc. 
I'm considering ordering it off of get it for x-mas Laughing.

What are your experiences playing the Bird (on either side of the board)?
Do you have any of your Bird encounters that you'd be willing to share here/send me the PGN of?

Regardless what you think of the Bird, it's definitely a fun opening to learn about and I'm looking forward to using it in match play.  I'll definitely post the games when I do play the Bird OTB. 



send me the moves and we can try a game with it

Well I've played once as black against Bird's and I lost. And I've tried it a couple times as white and won both. But my opponents weren't that great, so... Laughing 

Unluckily I don't have a PGN of any of the games.

I've only recently begun playing against Bird's Opening, and have had a hard time of it.  Anybody know a good positional player's response?
the bird's opening could be responded by 1... e5 , which is interesting from the tactical point of view.

Fromm's (1... e5) is over rated imho.  Any Bird's player is likely to know the Fromm's to an extreme depthm and it maintains excellent options for White (what chessbully said :))



And regardless Fromm's is a gambit.  I'm looking for a strong positional answer to 1. f4.  Any ideas?