
Caro Kann book recommendation?

Fromper wrote:

I definitely don't want to pick up 3 or 4 books. At my level, I need to focus more on other areas of chess, rather than spending all my time reading opening books. I want to pick one to buy and read in its entirety, and if I keep playing the CK for a long time, I'll probably pick up others for reference (not to actually read) later.

I'm leaning towards the "Move by Move" one, just because the format seems like exactly the type of description that would be good for me.

I recently bought "Play the Caro-Kann" by Egon Varnusz since I too thought I would go back to the old C-K and leave the French behind.  Now I realize  that's not gonna happen, but the book was dirt cheap, although it is OLD!  Love those used books from Amazon!Laughing


the best moves I know to against CK with benko opening

Fromper wrote:

I definitely don't want to pick up 3 or 4 books. At my level, I need to focus more on other areas of chess, rather than spending all my time reading opening books.  +1

I want to pick one to buy and read in its entirety, and if I keep playing the CK for a long time, I'll probably pick up others for reference (not to actually read) later.

I'm leaning towards the "Move by Move" one, just because the format seems like exactly the type of description that would be good for me.  +1

Actually I'd recommend you consider only reading the chapters in any opening book that apply to lines you're currently facing, have faced in the past, or want to learn as White to play against the opening with rather than reading it cover-to-cover; you can use the time saved on not learning variations you aren't facing to work on endgames, tactics, etc.  

"Fundamental Chess Openings" might be worth looking into instead of any specialized opening book for now as it explains the basic ideas behind all the standard openings without going into specific analysis or theory too deeply. 

Here's 2 links with reviews you can check out: