
Favorite openings


At some point everybody that plays chess seriously favours some openings more than others. I for example came to love the torre attack for white, because the idea behind the opening seemed pretty logical right off the bat. You develop your kingside quickly, build up a serious attack against the opponents king side pretty quick and all your pieces work together. I think that as soon as you realize what the idea / plan behind an opening is, the move combinations that should best be played just seem a lot more logical.

I just wanted to know which openings you all favour and why you favour a particular opening. Just explain what you think makes the opening you like and play regularly more special and better than other openings.


My repertoire (if you can even call it that) is pretty steady: Ruy Lopez (both colors), Rossolimo/Moscow, French Exchange, Panov-Botvinnik, Austrian Attack, Modern Benoni.

The benoni is my favored opening at the moment.

I do have a soft spot for openings involving a queenside fianchetto...1. b3, 1.e4 c5 2.b3 etc. but don't plan to play them with any regularity. And like to play the Pirc from the Black side from time to time.