
How to play against the Albin-Counter Gambit


I play the Albin-Counter Gambit. Just getting that straight.

If you guys see any way to destruct the Albin-Counter Gambit, go ahead. This is the Albin-Counter Gambit:


I honestly haven't encountered it, but I'm going to look for games Terrasch played from the white side since you brought it up Cool


Found this one where he defeats Caro of Caro-Kahn fame, though I'm a bit disappointed in his f4 push. 


A good system is the following, it gives black very little counter chances and gives white clear and easy plans. 



The Albin is a good defence IMO. I've played a few times with black. When I've played 1d4 d5 2c4 e5 as white, I've tried 3e3,offering transpositon into a reverse French or indeed the Monte Carlo variation of French - the latter I've found is barely equal, BUT if prepared the white player can catch the gambiteer out :-)

 From the black perspective, 2Nf3 is a passion killer. Davies recommends 2 Nc6 as black then if 3c4 e5....


I don't play any of these black offshoots, but from the white side, I usually have more trouble against either the Budapest or Chigorin compared to the Albin.


I just play 3.e3. No homework for me lol.

moonnie wrote:

A good system is the following, it gives black very little counter chances and gives white clear and easy plans. 



i dont think that would work... Ne7, Ng6

TitanCG wrote:

I just play 3.e3. No homework for me lol.

d3 and you'll be squeezed. Laughing


Above all, NOT 4.e



Yup, your right.

One of the most famous traps I've ever seen. Promoting into a night in the opening.


I used it against somebody and crushed him. lol


Sure you can play Ne7/Ng6 but white gets a rather nice position that way.


In the variation after Bxd4, Nxc4 and black is equal

In my hurry if forgot to ad e3/Be6 white is clearly better here according to Averuk, Georgiev and other GM's. Black has very little chances of active counterplay and white is playing for 2 results

Good point.

I just learned the Albin Counter. I haven't really played and experienced it yet in tournaments. But people say that this is the best move and so does my coach...

Yet... against your a3 variation...


Oh, I forgot to add that you give up the pawn by playing Bb4 for black after g3. Then white plays Bg2, sac the c4 pawn.


How can black be better after Bf5 it just drops a pawn. Looks to me like white is much better there. 

I would seriously doubt any coach who suggest a basicly unsound (but perhaps playable) opening like the Albins counter gambit to someone who has to learn the fundaments of chess openings first. I can understand that with your style you wont like the orthodox queens gambit but there are many openings that offer dynamic play while at the same time being sound. The Tarrasch comes to mind. 
