
King's pawn or Queen's?


I play 1. e4 a lot more when I don't know my opponent simply because it's the one whose theory I've studied a lot more. And I know lots of opening book lines and usually have a response to all of the common moves. However, I HATE playing against the Sicilian Defense (1... c5). If I know my opponent might go for that, I play 1. d4. And also, I love playing the Queen's Gambit, so that's a plus happy.png


E4 is so much better for my games! I can understand people who like D4, but I normally do kings pawn because later in the game, the stronger pieces are gonna be controlling and blocking the middle, and my unprotected king pawn is whimpering in the corner as it sees the rest of the pawns get so far on the board, so I generally tend to get my king pawn out and protect it as soon as possible with my knight or else the pawn is gonna be blocking my bishop and my queens diagonal. Sure, the queen pawn also activates a queen and a bishop, but I rather spend one turn getting my queen out via a diagonal than using 2 turns making my queen go in an L. for bishop pawn openings, I don't see much purpose for it because although it does stop one of the blacks middle pawns from advancing, it also doesn't really help set up your pieces in the early game. Personally, I find knight and rook pawn openings horrible because it's almost as if your asking black to take over the center while you don't develop anything. I don't really do knight openings much because it makes me spend the majority of my opening trying to make my knight run away from the pawn threats as black opens up their game.


e4 is better for improving as a chess player (especially at weaker levels)

d4 probably scores better at lower levels (because of its surprise value)





Both 1.e4 and 1.d4 are good openings for white, but in the queen pawn opening, black can play the Englund Gambit with 1...e5 and it is very unusual.


At the last Yekaterinburg Candidates' Tournament 1 e4 was played more often and with more success than 1 d4, 1 c4, and 1 Nf3 combined.
At the last Classical World Championship Match Caruana opened 1 e4 all 6 times, while Carlsen varied 1 e4, 1 d4, and 1 c4 twice each.
So the top players and their teams of grandmasters and engines lean towards 1 e4.


King's Pawn Opening is more of a "go for it" kind of opening, whereas Queen's Pawn is more "solid". King's Pawn is, however, technically the "best by test" (quoting Wally). I use them interchangeably, along with the Reti Opening and sometimes Polish Opening. I will rarely play other openings. 

I don't necessarily think that Queen's Pawn is more "positional" and King's Pawn more "tactical", though the games they offer are definitely different. 


Also, after a while of analyzing, Stockfish said d4 was better than e4.


I prefer d4 because wheb black plays d5 I can use the queen gambit. E4 is also good but immediately exposes the king.



It's very straightforward way to open the game, unlike d4 which have a lot of move order issues. And also I don't like playing against Hypermodern struff, 1.d4 has plenty of scenarios where Black opts for Hypermodern approach, and those too are mainlines. On the other hand while playing 1. e4 going Hypermodern is completely fine, but it's not as effective as against d4. 

There are other reasons as well on why I prefer 1. e4 than other ways to open the game. Some of the few are:- 

  • Very good options against the Sicilian ( Rossolimo, Open Sicilian, Marshall/ Wing Gambit)
  • In some openings I get a pawn on e5 and a strong center which is very comfortable and oftentimes position plays itself 
  • Ruy lopez and King's Gambit positions are very interesting as well as instructive to me. 
  • Fischer, MVL, Caruana, Wesley So are idols. 
soothsayer8 wrote:

Which opening move do you guys prefer playing as white? e4 or d4?

I open with d4 at least 75% of the time. The way I see it, with e4, the King sends his pawn out, unprotected, and then runs to hide in the corner as soon as he can and sends his minor pieces to back the pawn up (quite typical of kings.) With d4, the Queen backs her pawn up as it moves forward, so as to say, "Hey, Black, we're taking this center space. If you touch that pawn, you're going to have a problem." Plus I prefer closed positional play over open tactical play =)

My thoughts exactly. and yes - I prefer d4.


You always hear e4 players cry "what do I do against Sicilian / French / Scandinavian / Caro Kann / Pirc / Alekhine / " well people... get the point already...

And you always see people cry "what do I play against d4, c4.

[I don't see the opposite - people who cry "what do I play against e4", Some people ask what to do against King's Indian [implying d4 wasn't so good], but...they simply didn't check the options -  there are about a dozen ways to fight it].


So e4 "Best by test" ?!

What test?

Perhaps the test of time - e4 is the oldest move.

If you're willing to give up some center but remember less theory and bamboozle your opponent - c4. still - center-ctrl is priceless.

Perhaps e4 is Objectively the best. But one needs a memory and tactical skills of a computer to actually gain much with it. (I've played e4 for 10 years, switched to c4, then to d4 - when I decided to take openings seriously rather than just 'play').

Tnk64ChessCourse wrote

ahh, but e4 also opens up lines for the queen, and if you're opponent plays e5, then it is most likely that he will be stuck defending.

Well, e4 is a good opening to decrease black's defensive power. But how about if black plays another move especially the grandmaster move, c5? About 600000 grandmasters use this and about 300000 grandmasters use e5. Indeed, I use c5. It keeps controls the d4 square and opens a nice file for black's queen to attack queenside and also, later on, black can push the d and e pawn and broke up white's center pawns. This might lead to a victory for black. Therefore, if you don't want this to happen, play d4. Even though black plays Nf6, you can play something such as c4, which controls some good squares, Nf3, which takes even more control to the center or like Bb5, which is a great, dynamic position to attack. If black plays d4, just use the queen's gambit or Nf3.



This is how grandmasters reveal to the king's pawn opening. There is a total of 2623 games of this position



This is how grandmasters reveal to the queen's pawn opening. There is a total of 3360 games of this position.


I love e4 opening but this pawn has a 90% death rate in my game.


I prefer 1 d4 as it seems to work better for me and i now like 1 e4 too but now I have already learned the theory of my openings queens gambit, catalan, trompowsky and now I am more focussed on learning grunfeld  and najdorf as I have already prepared queens gambit declined and petroff when I was beginner and I don't want to learn e4 theory 

And yes guys e4 can also be positional and d4 also can be attacking there is no greater positional opening then Spanish and d4 can be aggresive as bdg and saemisch against kid or 3.h4 variations against all fianchetto defense


And three openings as white are enough and I had too choose where I would learn e4 Or any other opening as white but as learning e4 would be theory heavy and after learning queens gambit and catalan I was not in any mood of learning that much theory  that's why I chose teomp





Queen’s pawn


I prefer 1 d4 as it seems to work better for me and i now like 1 e4 too but now I have already learned the theory of my openings queens gambit, catalan, trompowsky and now I am more focussed on learning grunfeld  and najdorf as I have already prepared queens gambit declined and petroff when I was beginner and I don't want to learn e4 theory 

And yes guys e4 can also be positional and d4 also can be attacking there is no greater positional opening then Spanish and d4 can be aggresive as bdg and saemisch against kid or 3.h4 variations against all fianchetto defense

I play queen gambit too