
Opening Training


Hey Chessies:

I can't imagine that this is an original idea.

I want a training program that would work in the following way:

1) Name the opening that you want to work on.

2) Make your move, or, as black, make your response to a move that the computer made.

3) Continue until your play deviates from the "book" move for that opening.

4) Receive prompts, coaching, etc. from the program regarding your play.

Does such a program exist?  Any response would be very much appreciated.


I don't know anything about computer programmes, but the Game Explorer on this site is a very good resource for following book openings and there is also the "Book Openings" resource, also to be found under the 'Learn' banner on the Home  page.


You could try bookup, it is has a free of charge trial period. Don't know if it is allowed to post direct links, so instead just google on "bookup" and you should be able to find the link then.