
Trappy/Dubious Openings for Black in response to 1.d4?



I'm looking for recommendations on some playable aggressive openings (or side-lines) as black in response to 1.d4 for blitz and rapid play at the 1800~2200 rating level.

Ideally something trappy like the Stafford Gambit in response to 1.e4, that might be considered objectively dubious, but still playable and isn't just losing if the opponent doesn't fall into one or two universally known traps.

I've been playing a lot of Englund Gambits lately - but I feel that the pay off is too low. If the opponent isn't prepared, it's great for quick wins, but if they are you're often just in a bad position (although, admittedly, I've not looked into proper theory other than the quick trappy blitz lines).
In an effort to persevere with the Englund, I was watching some content on it online yesterday and the master lecturing on it admitted up front that it was a very dodgy opening and he'd recommend the Budapest Gambit (as a slightly less dodgy and more playable opening instead). I've started looking into the Budapest today (never played it) but before I committed to learning a bit more of it, I've come here to ask if there are any other aggressive/better openings for blitz/rapid play in reply to 1.d4?

I am a 1.e4 player myself and prefer open, sharp and tactical games generally.

Englund Gambit
Albin Countergambit



I've been trying out the Englund Gambit as well recently, with mixed results. If your opponent is on their toes it normally degenerates into a very scrappy game.

According to the Explorer, I've had slightly better results over the past 2 years playing the French against 1. e4 (53% win rate), but that's hardly spicy.

Also tried the Scandinavian, and may go back to that, as it is a good way of taking the initiative from the start. Maybe there are some weirdo lines in that..

The Budapest seems like a good choice if that’s what you want. I think 4.Bf4 is considered to be best (difference isn’t much though) but the lines after 4...Nc6 5.Nf3 Bb4+ 6. Nbd2 Qe7 7. e3 Ngxe5 8. Nxe5 Nxe5 9. Be2 seem a bit boring and probably just slightly better for White and probably not what you want considering you played the Englund. Instead there is 4...g5 which is supposed to be interesting and has been played even at top level. Also a lot of white players will play 4.Nf3 which allows an early ...Bc5 and the fun stuff with ...a5, Ra6 etc.
As someone mentioned, the Albin counter gambit seems like a decent choice as well. I would like to add the Chigorin (1. d4 d5 2. c4 Nc6) as a suggestion as well which isn’t that easy to play for White if they don’t know what they’re doing.

Polish defense 1...b5, I played it often recently. peshka.png


Problem with d4 is that it's really solid, there's not a lot of tricks. At your level I dont know if the Cambridge Springs trap would get anyone but thats my suggestion. That or maybe QGA?


Albin and Budapest


Englund Gambit


     In the Budapest black's biggest problem comes when white forgets the gambit pawn and plays Alekhine's 4.e4, followed by 5.f4 or 5.Nc3, giving a solid game with great central control.

mpaetz wrote:

     In the Budapest black's biggest problem comes when white forgets the gambit pawn and plays Alekhine's 4.e4, followed by 5.f4 or 5.Nc3, giving a solid game with great central control.


That would be the dubious part of what he asked...seems like it fits the requirement lol. Still very playable though... alekhine is kinda fun to play as well against 1e4 if you like getting out of squeezed positions


You can also play 3..Ne4 as black if you want to avoid this line you mentioned

need good d4 counter

The Von Hennig Schara is surprisingly good for a gambit.  It may be too sound for your tastes though.


Yeh, the Von Hennig Schara is definitely a counter-gambit. It is pretty sound, but usually doesn't lead to an immediate attack and often not to really sharp positions. It suits my style, but if you are a really attacking player, it might not suit yours.


Diagram shows one of the main lines.




Rather than the Budapest, check out the Fajarowicz. It starts the same way, but you go Ne4 rather than Ng4. It's totally trappy, and totally dubious, and perfect for fast time frames. Nobody is going to have a prepared line against something like that. Longer time frames and you're going to get in trouble though.... Personally, I love the Budapest. The biggest problem I have is that no one ever wants to play 2c4.