
What is the best opening?


There is no best opening... it depends on how you play it or what the opponent does.

The_Gavinator wrote:

Ok, how about 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5?

Good choice...


I know, it's truly superior


The question was "what is the best opening?" and not "what is the most popular opening?"

And i dont understand, what deeper sense it has, when you know, that the Sicilian, the Ruy Lopez and QGD are the by far most popular openings...look at the game explorer, it will answer your question.

Will you choose or avoid them, because they are popular?!?

The best opening is an individual question...1 question = 5.000 different answers...depends on what you are looking for...kings attack, counter attack, positional advantage.

When you play for positional advantage without many risks you will not play the Blackmar-Diemer-Gambit or the Latvian Gambit and when you go for an hazardous Kings Attack you will not choose the Giuco Pianissimo or the QGD exchange variation...

I know guys, who always play the Grob with 1.g4 and they swear its the best opening by far...seriously!

zxb995511 wrote:
narnur wrote:

There isn't any one opening or defence that's best. You choose openings based on your style.

Anyone under 2200 does not play consistently enough to have a "style" not really. Your style (if you are under 2200) simply reflects your weaknesses (you avoid what you are bad at). In any case the best opening is simply the one you know the best. Pick one you like and work on it.

Yes, you can have a style under 2200, but if you are like 850 then you probably don't have one. I like sharp, dynamic positions, especially Najdorf/ KID/ Benoni positions.


Some players play better positions than others. Just cause you avoid them doesn't mean your a bad player.

The_Gavinator wrote:

1. Parham

2. Fried Liver

3. Waite-Harrison Attack

Did you invent the Waite-Harrison Attack? It's a pretty good opening:))


Yes sir, my friend and I, who's last name is harrison.