Forums Feature Request and Wishlist #5


Tell me more, Tactics Trainer home-page! 

How many puzzles have I done today, this week, this month?  For each interval, what was my pass:fail ratio?


VHchessMom wrote:
The_Pitts wrote:

I would like the ability to use the analysis board to explore different lines. The "what if" option. now if I go back a few moves I can only analyze my game as it is and not how it would've gone differently if I did this or that etc.

I second this. And I would like to add to it, the option to do so live, with another person; ie set up a board in any postion, then play out possible lines - either both controlled or single controlled, but live so both could see it. And go back, and try different lines. This could be a great teaching tool, I think.

Isn't this (sort of) possible if you turn off "Enforce legal moves"?  I don't think it works if you use the VCR-style controls to back up to your branch-point, but I *think* it would work if you manually move each piece back to the point where you want to explore the different line (?).


I wish we could search in an individual forum thread.


In the game explorer "Other players' games" only allows you to access one player's games at a time. It would be interested if they were summarised and presented like the master games are.


Can I once again plug the idea of a formal ladder?  There is at least one that I'm aware of that's being administered manually, much as the tournaments were in the days before that functionality was added to this site.


I also have a long mobile chess wishlist that includes the following:

  • Feedback for all of the game events that aren't moves (checkmate/resignation/draw offers etc.) as I currently don't get any visibility into these
  • The ability to browse games where it's not currently my turn
  • The ability to create and accept seeks
  • The ability to move backwards through the move list (I'll stop short of asking for a full blown analysis board, at least for the moment....)
  • The ability to chat within each game
  • Passive alerts indicating when I have a move (i.e. an icon that appears at the top of my blackberry's screen when the application itself is not open)

I think that these would nicely round out the mobile functionality to the point that it could be considered a fully-functional standalone mobile chess application.  For anything else I can come to the site itself.


Speaking of the site itself, it would also be great if was actually set up to expose more of the site's non-game content to a mobile device with some targetted formatting (Basically forums and articles including the embedded game boards if possible etc.).  As a really combersome workaround I've gone to itself on my blackberry and dealt with the fact that it's not at all formatted for the tiny screen, but all I can do is struggle to find the content I'm after in a read only format since I can't even log in.

Yes, I'm that addicted....


Bungle, they choose not to use Game Explorer in live chess since it is supposed to mimic live OTB play (unlike's correspondence chess).

Saccadic wrote:

Bungle, they choose not to use Game Explorer in live chess since it is supposed to mimic live OTB play (unlike's correspondence chess).

Right on - using Explorer in Live Chess would be downright illegal, effectively breaking the no-databases rule. 

It would be really nice, however, if you could link directly to Explorer from a given position in a correspondence-style game.  As far as I'm concerned, the existing FEN string on the Details tab could be used as (or replaced with) a hyper-link to Explorer.


I know this is a bit fancy -- but what about some way to play blindfold chess?  Like just typing your moves in notation (with no board displayed) and something like little chess partner sends back a move, also just in notation?  It would probably be too hard to prevent cheating in play that isn't against a computer... but maybe unrated games... anyway, I think it would be cool, especially 'cause I can't seem to find any thing like it, at least not on the internet.

Also, it might be useful for to have an endgame tablebase.  I know there are plenty of them online, but there have been a lot of forum questions that could easily have been answered if more people just knew they existed.  And it could be a cool way to catch cheaters (well, stupid cheaters) if anyone enters a position that appears in one of their current games.


This is a long shot, but it would be very cool if the puzzle composition tool had an engine play the opponent's moves by default instead of the composer entering them (with the ability to override, of course) -- I think we'd see a lot less flawed puzzles posted.  You could possibly leverage the existing "Computer Workout" functionality for this (it could also function as a "custom" workout where the user tries out positions of his own composition whether for a puzzle or not)


Make it so premium members can once again search all members games in Opening Explorer (or at least all games with an average rating of 2000 or higher)! Cool

Narz wrote:

Make it so premium members can once again search all members games in Opening Explorer (or at least all games with an average rating of 2000 or higher)!

That would be really appreciated


see other peoples Tactics Trainer stat pages.


Without going through all the post forgive if this has been mentioned before or if it falls under chess variants.  Fischer Chess, both for regular games and tournaments.....


Also the ability to remove players in tournaments if they violate the rules set forth for the tournament or if unsportmanlike to other players...




if our requests get made do we get credit/aknowledged for them... I wanna see what good ideas ppl have had out there in our community.

lol I guess i just made a request!


Maybe you could have more than 1 class of 'member' in groups, so that the super-admin could say that he would promote people if they participated in lots of Team Matches and Vote Chess, and was involved in the forums of that group a lot, he would promote them so that they have more rights, without him having to give them the full responsibility of 'admin'.



It would be great if we could represent our nationalities. Currently I live in UK, but I'm citizen of Lithuania. However, I want to retain my UK address in my account, as finding local chess players and clubs will definetely be easier this way. I reckon the List of Countries & Members would see some interesting changes, if it was based on nationality instead of living address.

Another annoying thing... I've just invited a friend of mine to join over email address. He did register, but I couldn't see him in my friends list, until I asked his username to invite him again. I think the persons I invite should get into my friend list automatically. If they join, of course.


Premove in online chess!

In addition to conditional moves, sometimes you know which move you are going to play regardless of what your opponent answers, so it would quite useful


Can we view topics are friends are tracking to find some interesting topics?

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