Forums Posting Rules

erik is a friendly community. We try to keep it that way by following a common set of rules for posting. The following topics or behaviors are not allowed in the main public forums or chat rooms:

  • offensive/vulgar language
  • personal attacks
  • religious or political debate
  • spammy/pointless/distracting posts
  • hijacking of threads with off-topic posts or images
  • discussion of illegal activities (drugs, etc)
  • advertising competitive sites
  • cheating

If you would like to discuss any of the topics above you may do so in one of the many private clubs

If you are found unable to follow these rules, you may have your posting abilities restricted. 

Thank you for helping keep a safe and friendly environment where we can all enjoy chess! If you have any questions, please contact us.


Update March 6, 2014: is a global community and we hope to be civil, friendly, and helpful to one another. We try to keep it that way by following a common set of rules for posting. We do not tolerate:


  • hate speech, racism, or ideological persecution
  • threatening or aggressive personal attacks
  • obscene or pornographic material


Additionally, the following behaviors are not allowed in the main public forums and chat rooms:


  • hijacking of threads with off-topic posts or images
  • persistent stalking and harassing
  • offensive or vulgar language
  • religious or political debate
  • spammy/pointless/distracting posts
  • discussion of illegal activities (drugs, etc)
  • advertising competitive sites
  • cheating


Club/Group forums are not moderated except for reports of hate speech, threatening personal attacks, or obscenity. If you are found unable to follow these rules, you may have your posting abilities restricted. 

When you participate in our community please remember:


  • be kind - treat others how you would like to be treated; they are human like you
  • be helpful - build others up, don't tear them down; everyone has needs
  • be forgiving - everyone has bad days and we aren't always on our best behavior; give everyone the patience and tolerance you would want
  • be tolerant - other people have opinions


The following are our moderator action policies:


  • topics that begin with racism, personal attacks, or obscenity will be immediately deleted. if a user does it a 2nd time, they will be warned. after a 3rd time they will be restricted from posting (muted). 
  • non-relevant topics which do not violate our posting rules will be moved to Off Topic
  • comments in the main forums/chat that violate the rules will be deleted
  • comments in the off-topic or private group forums will be handled with as much tolerance as possible within reason
  • moderators may delete posts, or edit to remove offensive material and include an explanation
  • moderators may not, however, make any other comments in other members' posts
  • moderators will treat all members the same without any special privileges 


Thank you for helping keep a safe and friendly environment where we can all enjoy chess!
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