
Evolution or not?


Answer this question smart guy and I'll answer yours. ☺Whales and bats both have the protein pepsin in their echolocation systems. The molecule has 13 nucleotides rearranged from its closest homologue. A designed systyem by an existant or just another hum drum example of convergence ☺ ( And a highly statistically improbability)

einstein99 wrote:

It's really laughable if someone wants to consider it as evidence.

But you take as evidence for "design," any result which you don't feel could be generated "randomly."

And your repeat this syllogism, and "your design conclusion," ad nauseum.

Neat trick, don't you think ??


Think Ice Ages. Find timelines. Rethink assumptions. Hum jeopardy song.

Conclusion ?....Smile....


zborg wrote:

einstein99 wrote:

It's really laughable if someone wants to consider it as evidence.

But you take as evidence for "design," any result which you don't feel could be generated "randomly."

And your repeat this syllogism, and "your design conclusion," ad nauseum.

Neat trick, don't you think ??


If it looks designed Borgman take the inference.

einstein99 wrote:

Real science like the latest MSY chimp/human study we've been talking about. Or chromosome 21 which has non random shifts of genes and gene markers with nucleotide substitutions specific to humans in a comparison of its chimp counterpart.

You can find a lot better evidence out there than a fur coat if your trying to show an MRCA with chimps. Take the time to study this material a little better. Come up with something besides extra hair on our chests. Present some kind of challenge out here before I fall asleep on my rocker.

Quit being lazy and get studying. You might actually find the truth along the journey.

Why can't you understand why this is no problem for evolution?

I've explained you like ten times already. You just pretend you dont see it and mention the MSY thing again.

Don't understand what you want to achieve with that. Everyone reading the thread can read what I write, It's not like it becomes invisible beacuse you ignore it lol.

I am starting to think troll also.


"Carpenter and Roving Intellectual."  End of Story ?  Don't hold your breath.

einstein99 wrote:

drpsholder wrote:

einstein99 wrote:


extenza wrote:

I never imagined this carnivorous plants have existed.Surely it isn't in the same evolution branch  with carnivorous mammals.




They coined a new term for the disparity between a morphological tree and a phylogenetic tree, convergent evolution. I call it common design. 😉



Designed by nature(convergent evolution), not supernature. There is evidence of nature, but no sufficient evidence of supernature.

Or in the form of a question.......designed by what? Remember, per your own rules, no religion or politics. 




Hey smart guy 😉

If a metaphysical existant existed would he be magical or would we be the magic? ( I think I just met the parameters ).😊

Again, it was designed by nature..........since there is no sufficient evidence of supernature.

You can dance around this all you want. Its just more entertainment the longer you do.

einstein99 wrote:

Answer this question smart guy and I'll answer yours. ☺Whales and bats both have the protein pepsin in their echolocation systems. The molecule has 13 nucleotides rearranged from its closest homologue. A designed systyem by an existant or just another hum drum example of convergence ☺ ( And a highly statistically improbability)

Try again or just run away from my statements. They show that you either 1)cannot learn or 2)not interested in learning.


If you guys can't win on the merit of the science then accuse them of being a troll. If I'm a troll then you guys are

the keystroke cops or better yet, a bunch of clowns who keep falling off your one wheeled bikes. 😃

I'm still waiting for one piece of science from you guys. If all you have is a baby who takes his fur coat off, then it's no wonder you guys keep bringing it up. Now what kind of fitness advantage does that confer if humans haven't invented clothes yet, and if they have then humans could have been designed with the fur because of a colder climate period ( like the last ice age) in the first place.

It's like telling stories while sitting around a campfire.

Someone please come up with some science over there because I'm about ready to fall asleep over here. 😴

Raspberry_Yoghurt wrote:
einstein99 wrote:

Real science like the latest MSY chimp/human study we've been talking about. Or chromosome 21 which has non random shifts of genes and gene markers with nucleotide substitutions specific to humans in a comparison of its chimp counterpart.

You can find a lot better evidence out there than a fur coat if your trying to show an MRCA with chimps. Take the time to study this material a little better. Come up with something besides extra hair on our chests. Present some kind of challenge out here before I fall asleep on my rocker.

Quit being lazy and get studying. You might actually find the truth along the journey.

Why can't you understand why this is no problem for evolution?

I've explained you like ten times already. You just pretend you dont see it and mention the MSY thing again.

Don't understand what you want to achieve with that. Everyone reading the thread can read what I write, It's not like it becomes invisible beacuse you ignore it lol.

I am starting to think troll also.

You are correct, this is why trolls are so entertaining. They must appear to be stupid in order to troll.  And saying stupid things is very entertaining to the smart people.

Why do you think I jumped in here?? It certainly wasn't to teach someone who is incapable of being taught. It was to get entertained firsthand. Cool

einstein99 wrote:

If you guys can't win on the merit of the science then accuse them of being a troll. If I'm a troll then you guys are

the keystroke cops or better yet, a bunch of clowns who keep falling off your one wheeled bikes. 😃

I'm still waiting for one piece of science from you guys. If all you have is a baby who takes his fur coat off, then it's no wonder you guys keep bringing it up. Now what kind of fitness advantage does that confer if humans haven't invented clothes yet, and if they have then humans could have been designed with the fur because of a colder climate period ( like the last ice age) in the first place.

It's like telling stories while sitting around a campfire.

Someone please come up with some science over there because I'm about ready to fall asleep over here. 😴

 You still can't refute the science.  Try again or just run away because you know you can't. Classic evidence of a troll or someone who is very dumb.

which is it? LOL

Raspberry_Yoghurt wrote:
einstein99 wrote:

Real science like the latest MSY chimp/human study we've been talking about. Or chromosome 21 which has non random shifts of genes and gene markers with nucleotide substitutions specific to humans in a comparison of its chimp counterpart.

You can find a lot better evidence out there than a fur coat if your trying to show an MRCA with chimps. Take the time to study this material a little better. Come up with something besides extra hair on our chests. Present some kind of challenge out here before I fall asleep on my rocker.

Quit being lazy and get studying. You might actually find the truth along the journey.

Why can't you understand why this is no problem for evolution?

I've explained you like ten times already. You just pretend you dont see it and mention the MSY thing again.

Don't understand what you want to achieve with that. Everyone reading the thread can read what I write, It's not like it becomes invisible beacuse you ignore it lol.

I am starting to think troll also.

Because he's lacking brain cells, was dropped on his head at birth, suffers from hypoxia, etc............but he is definitely not trolling.  No way, no how! Tongue Out


God made the earth and all the animals and us. Read the bible.


Einstein it's nice to see engaging people just remember the admonition "pearls before swine"




I grew up around swine on the farm 789. I used to beat them with pipes, this is fun. 😋


Just cite this book and retire from the field --

It's much easier than brow-beating your detractors with a stick.

Unless you have OCD for this silly thread.  Then full speed ahead, @E99.  Smile


<<That's the last line of defense or attack when a common descenter doesn't have a rebuttal to an IDer's science. Have a nice day.>>

There's no answer to that. Where there's no question, there's no answer. All I see here is meaningless rhetoric, which was my point.

imajesusfreakk wrote:

God made the earth and all the animals and us. Read the bible.

I do read the bible. Its the best comedy money doesn't have to buy. LOL


If we are the result of 15 billion years of evolution, there must be a better way to do it.