
Free GM-Instruction Giveaway!


GM Magesh Panchanathan is teaching a one day seminar in University on December twelfth. One student, determined to see the class hold, has payed for the entire seminar!! He has asked us to distribute those seats as we see fit among qualified potential students. So, throughout the week on, seats will be given away during our normal programming, The Panda and The Poet Show, Pardon our Blunders, Chess Improve, and Your Games Analyzed. 2 or 3 seats will be given away on each show. We will also give free seats as a bonus to the next two members to get yearly diamond memberships!


Note: all prize winners must be at the proper level for the class and be available to attend that day!! Do not bother claiming a free seat if you are rated 400 or 2400, because this class is not for you!! More info about the class is here. Contact dpruess to register for the class if you get a seat, or if you want to purchase a seat (there are 8 seats left).


Such generousity! Who is this mysterious 'one student'?



Sorry, Somehow I replied to another post in here Embarassed


jhbchess! he is very generous, but i'm not sure how mysterious he is :)


Well, jhb, that's a VERY generous thing to do, and we've also become aware of the generosity of William_Smitham, too! Great people on this site and so glad we (ChessMarkstheSpot) became a part of it! LaughingCool


The Panda and Poet Show is on in about 40 minutes now... a chance to win!!

Also, one of the two seminar seats for people who purchase diamond memberships was claimed within 5 minutes of my post last night... but one of those seats is still available...


all this noise for a GM explaining rooks endgame? Aren't there tons of GM videos on the subject in this site? I really don't understand all the excitement...


we do have a very good series of videos explaining rook endgames, and some further videos on rook endgames. but the chance to talk with a GM about it, ask questions, etc. is something that i personally would appreciate having, and i'm not the only one.

the course will build off of the first few videos of this series:

and in fact it's a requirement that students watch those videos the week before. 


   Well I know for sure I am going to studying rook endgames, watching the vids and doing whatever I can to practice this before the seminar. To be able to talk to a GM about this Live, it's an early X-Mas present.

  23 minutes to showtime. Cool



How long does The Panda and Poet Show last?


an hour. it's on in 12 minutes and goes from 1-2 pm pacific.




Hey I won a seat by answering a question on The Panda and the Poet show. What do I do now?


i've sent you a private message.

2 seats were awarded on the show via trivia question and insult competition. drumdaddy got the other one.


   I know I am pumped for this thanks to the generosity of a good friend. Going to have to study Silman's Endgame Course book and soak up the videos like a sponge. There's a lot happening in that December week.  Laughing



as i suggested try to watch the videos some time in the week right before the class, so they are pretty fresh. also, if you have any questions about them, jot them down.


Did I win?