
Group Name Ideas


When I first started my group, there was a tiny group called "World of Chess".

I assumed they were inactive, so I went ahead and called my group "A World of Chess".

As it turns out, "World of Chess" has 77 players now, so to avoid confusion (and possible anger) I have decided that we will change our name.

"A World of Chess" has just always seemed very awkward sounding to me anyways, does anyone have a name suggestion?

Most of the group seems to not care what the name is, so I'm looking outside the group.

All the good names are taken, but we've managed to come up with a couple:

  • Chess Destination
  • Chess For All

If anyone has a name in mind, post.

BlackNight_13 wrote: ... All the good [names] are taken ... *


Chess Wild

Chess For Ever

Strawberry Chesscake


* "Men Are Like Parking Spaces: All the Good Ones Are Taken or Handicapped"


We Don't Care What Our Name Is

Scarblac wrote: We Don't Care What Our Name Is

Oh, very good!

GWAIN [Group Without An Interesting Name]


Chess World Smile


World Chess (WC Laughing )


I like the Idea of chess forever