
How many groups do you belong to?


I joined Fans of first and then jumped to a spinoff group after the group was unhappy about the way a Vote Chess game went. Reasonably unhappy I would say because a move was voted in that had been irrefutably shown to lead to a forced mate. Then I found myself joining a couple other groups for one reason or another. Now I see I am in 6 groups and I think I'm going to cut that down to 4 today. This is prompted by my not being able to enter a team match apparently because I belong to both teams. It got me wondering how many people are in multiple groups, and how many groups? How many are you in?


I'm currently in 6 groups, but I will be looking to cut this right down as I'm only really seeing how they are and to get some more games. What I will be doing is going to the smaller groups to get a more personal membership and interaction.

I'm in the process of playing a few guys from a very small group which I want to join, and I know they want to keep it that way as they it works better for them and they all know each other, seems to sum up the old saying that big doesn't mean better!


I'm in 14 & it's one hell of a run around at times, check out Billium, he's gotta be in over 90 groups, I don't know how he does it! Innocent


I'm in two groups, but I noticed that you can't monitor their forums, like you can this forum, for instance. Comments there don't show up in "Most recent posts" and the "Topics I've Posted In" and "Topics I'm Tracking" features don't call up anything from these group forums. Anyone else noticed that?


I have like 10, but I gotta cut down.

thegab03 wrote:

I'm in 14 & it's one hell of a run around at times, check out Billium, he's gotta be in over 90 groups, I don't know how he does it!

Lol.  Yeah, I used to be in about 90+ groups, then I left about 2/3 of them, and now I've gone the other way again.  I think I'm in about 1/3 of the groups here at (around 250-ish).  I'd say 90% of them have no activity at all, so it's not as hard or as demanding as it sounds.  You may ask, "If there's no activity, why stay a member of that group?"  My answer: "Why not?"  Does it really hurt anyone or anything to be in another little group?  What advantage is there to leaving a group after you've joined?

I play in more Vote Chess games than Team Matches, cuz I learn a lot more in Vote Games, and can't keep up with all of my current Turn-Based games to add any more to my plate.  But even in Vote Chess, there's only a handful of groups that I'll actually play with, cuz I'd be too swamped otherwise.  In most of them, I'm more of an ambassador than a member - contributing only in the forums (Just ask the Chess Spartans and Chess Athenians (two supposedly mutally exclusive groups, and yet there's 4 of us in both)).

However, being a member of so many groups allows me to meet a wide range of new people.  This is the strongest quality of the groups, I believe.  Whenever I have a question about something, there's always SOMEONE who can answer it for me.  I like to return the favor by answering as many questions as I can from the newer members.

The funniest part about all of this to me, is how many groups have made me an administrator (I guess I really am helpful).  Every time I use that drop down menu "Please select a group you manage:" I see another group on there, that I didn't even know I was an administrator in (I think I'm up to 12 now).  One group (that used to have 3 members I believe) now has only one (me) and I just found out that I was made the Super-Administrator when they left.  They basically abandoned their own group and gave it to me without even saying a word.  How funny is that?

You would think that all this would make me the favorite to win "Best Group Manager of the Year," but I'm still in a distant 2nd, and losing ground actually (page 3 of the trophies if you'd like to vote for me Wink). 

Most importantly tho, I hope that when people see my name on whatever "Members List" they're looking at, they feel inspired to look at my profile and hopefully watch my videos.  In my newest one, I'm the star (I'm in every scene, and almost every shot), and it came out looking GREAT!!!  I'll be sure to add it to my profile as soon as I have a copy that I can upload.

But most people seem to keep their number of groups small enuf to count on one hand.  A few may need their 2nd set of fingers, but very few go over 10, and fewer still over 20.  Just for fun, here are the stats of one groups members:

7 - only in 1 group

16 - in 2 groups

16 - in 3 groups

9 - in 4 groups

2 - in 5 groups

3 - in 6 groups

2 - in 7 groups

1 - in 8 groups

4 - in 9 groups

1 each in 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, and 20 groups.


One group is about all I can handle. Even then that might be too many. I'm not much of a "joiner".

wormrose wrote:

One group is about all I can handle. Even then that might be too many. I'm not much of a "joiner".

Good thing your one group (The Chess Turtles) isn't that active then, eh?  We are a bunch of slow pokes, aren't we?  Wink


I joined the "Turtles" almost out of a sence of obligation. It just seemed so appropriate since I play rediculously slow sometimes. Just can't make a decision. I think it's because I'm convinced there must be a solution when I'm in a bad position, but it's probably just that I'm such a bad player that I can't tell when a game is hopelessly lost.


two groups.  I only join them if I know I'll be active in them.


Friends, just wondering what difference does it make if you join only one group or joining 10 groups ? It really depends on your individual needs with the reasons only best known to yourself.

When I first joined a group, my conscience were very clear. I want to contribute as well as I need some contributions from the group. I did received some invitations from other groups as well but I guess, I rather stick to one group only...for the time being. The group that I'm joining right now may not be the best group. But surely, this group is the best group known to me...


110 groups.


currently six


I am in 6 groups and manage 2


    I belong to ten groups, and I have made ten my limit.


Around 40 now & climbing!


the group of all groups that don't belong to themselves belongs to itself if and only if it doesn't.

Do you belong to aforesaid group?


15 here




Over 70 & I ain't counting, yo!