
Using Chat for Abuse


its ok. if you don't have to leave, don't. it will bring up your rating if ur opponent resigns.


"Never chat. It's just asking for trouble."

People who are abusive in chat should be permanently muted. Everybody knows that the forums are the correct media for abuse, you stup*d nob.

What kind of person actually feels offended from comments sent anonymously over an online chess game? People with no sense of humor. People with no self esteem. People with grandiose sense of entitlement. People disconnected from reality. People who seek validation by complaining in online forums. Boomers.

the educational system programs children’s brains to respond automatically to words. unless you never went to school ?


I just don't respond if my opponent is abusive because they can't see whether or not you accepted.


A perfect example of why it's worse than a waste of time to accept chat:

The_Chess_Daddy: the reason im not resigning is because you play so slow and im going to win on time
Game OverThe_Chess_Daddy (1619) won on time (3 min Rated)
Your new Blitz rating is 1585 (-8).
Was The_Chess_Daddy a good sport?
tjbozat: The reason I didn't play fast was because you played so badly.
The_Chess_Daddy: did you not see me blitz out every move and then beat you?
I was playing this game like it was bullety
you're garbage
tjbozat wrote:

A perfect example of why it's worse than a waste of time to accept chat:

The_Chess_Daddy: the reason im not resigning is because you play so slow and im going to win on time
Game OverThe_Chess_Daddy (1619) won on time (3 min Rated)
Your new Blitz rating is 1585 (-8).
Was The_Chess_Daddy a good sport?
tjbozat: The reason I didn't play fast was because you played so badly.
The_Chess_Daddy: did you not see me blitz out every move and then beat you?
I was playing this game like it was bullety
you're garbage

Here the thing when they say that it doesn't prove anything to them that your worse lol

Usually it's funny to mess with them actually

Honestly I just accept chat requests cause at my level people actually want to talk about chess it's funny when they try to trash talk and it doesn't end up working

I got a guy trying to trash tLk me when I was down a piece only to end up checkmating him with less than 3 second on the clock lol

I played slower than him and he still couldn't beat me lol he was probably mad after that game

Actually people don't talk much at my level anyway lol


Players at my level dont say anything at all. We are mute people.

athlblue wrote:

Players at my level dont say anything at all. We are mute people.

True lol I get the occasional lol(for a bad move ) or nice defence thats pretty much it the lart insult I got was maybe 3-6 weeks ago lol (possibly a few months )

2000 unless they suck usually like to focus on the chess