
How to triple check




However triple check is possible in shangxi

idotical wrote:
HamboneTyrone wrote:
1cbb wrote:

In xiangqi, the knight's movement is restricted by a piece placed in front of it in the direction that it wants to move to. If that was the case in chess, a triple check would be possible if e8=N+++ was played in the following position.


This is impossible in this position because before the promotion, the black king is already in check.

Did you not read what he wrote? He was talking about xiangqi rules, where the knight would not check the king because the pawn was in the way.

In shangxi. Pawns cannot promote

also there are no queens in xiangqi


A quadruple check is possible in shangxi


Yes, I think the same

Chessflyfisher wrote:

OK., guys, let's move on and get serious about "real Chess". Good. Now was that hard? I mean, really? In my Chess club, anybody talking about "triple check" would be fined. End of story-mic drop.

I agree that we need to stay on real chess, but I disagree on "fining" anyone. There's nothing wrong about taking some hindsight to just consider whether some very particular case might make it possible. - - Although we now have figured out there is no such case.

Also see this thread.


Triple check hmm

1cbb wrote:

In xiangqi, the knight's movement is restricted by a piece placed in front of it in the direction that it wants to move to. If that was the case in chess, a triple check would be possible if e8=N+++ was played in the following position.


How is the knight even placed there


you can triple check but in fairy chess


You can triple check by not following the rules of chess 🤯 lol

example in my profile


But in actual chess, double check is the closest to triple check