
Plateuing at 750-800


I want to reach 1000 elo but im stuck at 750 : (( any tips to get past 750?


Improving Your Chess - Resources for Beginners and Beyond.....


Thx, ill go check it out


Blunder check before you move.
That little mental discipline alone is enough to reach 1500.


if ur flattening out that low ?...then try like checkers or s/t like that.

yes2nt wrote:

I want to reach 100 elo but im stuck at 750 : (( any tips to get past 750?

If you want to reach 100 Elo, you should lose, lose, lose, lose.

magipi wrote:
yes2nt wrote:

I want to reach 100 elo but im stuck at 750 : (( any tips to get past 750?

If you want to reach 100 Elo, you should lose, lose, lose, lose.

Play some 1. f3 … 2. g4 openings, and make sure to give away all your pieces. Walk your king to the middle of the board for maximum effect. You’ll be down to 100 in no time. 😉


Guys... i meant 1000... im still losing tons of elo tho...


1) If there is tension(possibilities of trade or capture) between pieces, check how many pieces are attacking, and how many pieces are depending. If attacking pieces are more, attacker will win material.

2) Try to think about purpose behind your opponent's move. What he can do now?


Analyze your games, study, opening, middlegame and endgame strategies, and plan your moves before playing it immediately. That's what some people said to me.


Hi! My name is Lauren Goodkind and I'm a well established chess teacher based in California.

Welcome to the game of chess! I offer resources for beginners to get better in chess. 


  1. Here are some other general tips to help you: Before each move, I highly encourage you ask questions before every move such as, “If I move here, is it safe?”, “Can I safely capture a piece?”, and more. Also consider all checks and captures on your side and also your opponent’s side. Be VERY CONSISTENT with this. Your job is to NEVER make any silly mistakes in any game! If you continue to make silly mistakes, you will have a very hard time getting your rating up.



I also offer a free beginner’s free eBook on my website, in case you are interested. 


3) Beginners needs to learn basic tactics such as the fork, discovered attack, pin, and more. I offer interactive puzzles on my website:  



If you are serious about chess, I highly recommend you hiring a chess coach to help you.  


5) Be familiar with basic chess tactics, such as the pin, fork, and more.




Focus on improving one aspect of your game at a time, whether it's tactics, openings or endgames.


Before each move ask yourself "Is it blunder, or can I capture a free piece" And also listen to what the guys above said. I used to be 1400, now I'm 1700, just by listening.


wow thx guys!! edit im so surprised this got on the first 3 pages of beginners

yes2nt wrote:

I want to reach 100 elo but im stuck at 750 : (( any tips to get past 750?

Lose a lot


Imposible play an you rival only play dead in Queen is very very stupid


uhhhh...pretty low to plateau. try woodoku on ur mobile. itsa little like chess/checkers. and when u lose ? one sees. AND...itsa elo equivalent game.

and s/t/e...can u chekcmete w/ queen & rook vs their bare king yet ? !


I would recommend learning gambits. they often work well and win you the game in just a couple moves. Also, always look for forks, pins and skewers. Do a couple of those in a row, and the game is yours.


My favorite and most useful one is the England gambit.(not sure if spelled right)


Play a medium to hard CPU with takebacks. 🙂♟️