
Play Against Engine (aka computer>choose opponent>engine)



A question, please, for those much better familiarized with

I sometimes get lost on (or a little a little disoriented) as a new user. Today, when going to play a game against the computer, I noticed many new bots (including for example Moms and streamers). But, no "Engine" bot listed (which, usually located as the bottom of the list, subsequently lets you set the elo level for the engine).

Did I get lost again or is it missing? Gone for good?

Bots are programmed with various play styles, but playing the pure engine (at a particular elo level) seems to me to have utility too.


Maximln1 wrote:


A question, please, for those much better familiarized with

I sometimes get lost on (or a little a little disoriented) as a new user. Today, when going to play a game against the computer, I noticed many new bots (including for example Moms and streamers). But, no "Engine" bot listed (which, usually located as the bottom of the list, subsequently lets you set the elo level for the engine).

Did I get lost again or is it missing? Gone for good?

Bots are programmed with various play styles, but playing the pure engine (at a particular elo level) seems to me to have utility too.


Base engine by level is still there.


Thanks, Martin, for your kind reply.

I was hoping the missing "Engine" selection in the play computer area was just a glitch for the day, but it seems to be missing for me today also. Even hovering over where it once appeared reveals nothing:

I have flushed my cached and "deleted data" for my browser with no success. (this Opera browser has never had any compatibility issues for me before with or other sites, but I thought I'd give it a try).

As your authoritative reply answers my question and any further communication is best done outside of the beginners forum, I'll end the thread here and contact support when I have time.

Thanks Martin.


That's interesting... I'd suggest you try again today, as by now the Mom bots should have gone. This might just have been a small detail the developers overlooked.


You may be right. About one hour after I sent a message to the development team, it reappeared for me.

Thanks for your reply. I think now the matter is closed.


In case it can help someone else in the future, I discovered that there is an "invisible" screen control just to the right of the lower-right chess board square which allows the user to re-size the chess board without having to re-size the window. That control is brilliantly useful to me, but it also caused the anomaly with the "Engine" bot selection disappearing.

Resizing the board a bit, either larger or smaller, brought back the missing "Engine" bot icon.

I'm sure this condition is not by design, but I found a workaround none the less.

Thanks to those who offered to help.