What is the best opening for noobs?
english (c4) is what i'd recommend i think for white. a lot of folks will say (d4) or (e4) but i think english is the way to go because it's solid and a lot of people don't know how to play against it because it's not as common. as black, it's a bit tougher, but caro kann (c6) against e4 is probably not bad for beginners. sicillian (c5) i think is arguably more effective maybe but is a lot more lines off of it and can swing more either way whereas with caro you're likely to get at least a draw while not playing into usual e4/e5 theory lines that a lot of people have booked up on. against d4...probably d5.
You should prepare your repertoire according to your own chess tastes and style. It is very important that you should like and understand the typical positions which result from your chosen opening. One good method consists of choosing, as a model, a strong player who plays your choice of opening particularly well and often, and then following his games. You study some model games in order, above all, to get a better understanding of the middlegame.
Defences for black are more important than an opening for white.
Defend 1 e4 e5 and 1 d4 d5 as black and open 1 e4 as white.
Those are most natural and also strongest.
Probably could learn Viena, Italian, or ruy lopez but not in-depth theory just learn their ideas and remember a few lines and if you want to pursue them more then learn theory. Or go Nf3 then Nc3 after e4 by playing into the knight game.
At your rating avoid specific opening theory - just follow the basic principles.
- develop your pieces
- fight for the centre
- castle
If not necessary, don't move one piece multiple times in the opening. Look for developping moves with tempo. Find good places for your pieces (those that usually either threaten something or cover the most space).
Afterwards just attack and that will just do
For training do puzzles and puzzle rush
You'll be +500 in no time
This is a misconception. No first move teaches anything.
Plus: for a beginner thinking and talking about openings is just a waste of time. There are a lot of things that are much more important to learn. Tactics. Basic endgames. Chess notation. Tactics. More tactics.
The other day, someone played the Best Opening For Noobs to me. What should I reply to it? It's so strong. So good. So mysterious. Help.
Defences for black are more important than an opening for white.
Defend 1 e4 e5 and 1 d4 d5 as black and open 1 e4 as white.
Those are most natural and also strongest.
This is good advice. Starting with these opening moves when you first start playing chess will help you develop. They are good enough to keep using them throughout your chess career, but even if you decide later on to play other openings, these will help you learn principles that will continue to be useful.
For white, it'll probably be the London System or the Colle System and for black it'll probably be the Ruy Lopez. all three systems strike out in the center, quickly allow castling and you won't be hanging pieces because of the opening. They also work when you get better.
For white I play London. I didn't know what the name is for my black opening since I tried to base it off opening pri couples rather than an opening specifically. According to my insights. I seem to love a good center game as black and seem to do well in it. What is a center game you ask, Who knows? I certainly don't.