
Playing rated vs unrated games


I have been here on this site for a few months now. I have noticed that for some players when they play unrated, they seem to be more sloppy and less careful than when they were playing rated. That annoys me from time to time because I play each game to the best of my abilities to maximize my learning. I feel cheated when someone would simply resign just because. This is just me. I wonder what everyone else's take is on this? Any constructive feedback is appreciated.


I want to try new openings sometimes but I don't because I know there is a learning curve. I should try some unrated games.


Normally higher rated players don't want to lose points. They rather play unrated games with their friends. Sometimes I like to play unrated games but I don't like correspondence chess that much. I like the faster games more :)


For some reason, I am more likely to win against higher rated players if the game is unrated.


I have come to the realization that unrated games are not taken as seriously as rated games.


Thanks for your feedback everyone :)


I like unrated since I can relax while playing. I am not all that good and find I enjoy my chess better this way.Please be relevant, helpful & nice!


personally, i think it is fine to play unrated games sloppily, because not everyone always feels like concentrating to the maximum of their capabilities. Yet they still want to play chess with people within their skill range


I always try to play for a win ...but also end up making sloppy / silly mistakes from time to time rated or unrated games

Shygirl6985 wrote:


I have been here on this site for a few months now. I have noticed that for some players when they play unrated, they seem to be more sloppy and less careful than when they were playing rated. That annoys me from time to time because I play each game to the best of my abilities to maximize my learning. I feel cheated when someone would simply resign just because. This is just me. I wonder what everyone else's take is on this? Any constructive feedback is appreciated.

We must have played because you just described me :-)


In the past, I used feel more pressured playing rated games, and that tend to made me not play up to my full potential. Unrated games are usually the ones I enjoy since they are played for fun and I do my absolute best. Now, I don't see much difference between either one, except for those who don't wanna risk dropping their rating. I play chess for fun and competitive nature, and I will always do my best! :)


There is absolutely no point to unrated games. Either care less about your rating or stick to what you know works out best for you. Who cares if you drop a few hundred rating points working out a new opening idea? 

Shygirl6985 wrote:


I have been here on this site for a few months now. I have noticed that for some players when they play unrated, they seem to be more sloppy and less careful than when they were playing rated. That annoys me from time to time because I play each game to the best of my abilities to maximize my learning. I feel cheated when someone would simply resign just because. This is just me. I wonder what everyone else's take is on this? Any constructive feedback is appreciated.

Lauren, I know you've played me a few times in unrated games.  I don't think I play sloppier when it's unrated.  I'm just the worst player you've ever played against (and possibly the worst player on this site) so I am prone to making the mistakes that someone who stinks at the game often makes.