
Analysis/annotation task


Doesn't really sound like fun.

Casual_Joe wrote:

Doesn't really sound like fun.

I thought it might be for some people, but we'll see.


Well, you do sound a bit like a proctor. Wink  But anyway, 19 Bf5+ looks pretty strong.  If 19... g6 there's 20 Nxb7 gf 21 Qxf5+ Kg8 22 Rd7.  And if Black tries 20... Rhf8 White saves his piece neatly after 21 Rd7+ Qxd7 22 Bxd7 Rxf2 23 Kxf2 Rb8 24 Nd6 Rd8 25 Ne8.

So Black plays 19... Kg8.  But now on 20 Bg6 Black, faced with the threat of Bf7+, seems to have little other than 20... Rf8 which (unfortunately for him) loses to 21 Qxf8+ Kxf8 22 O-O+ Kg8 23 Nxb7 with Rd8+ looming.  After 23... Nc6 24 Rf7 Qxf7 25 Bxf7+ Kxf7 26 Rd7+ Kg8 27 c3 Black's endgame looks rather grim, to put it mildly.

AndyClifton wrote:

Well, you do sound a bit like a proctor.   But anyway, 19 Bf5+ looks pretty strong.  If 19... g6 there's 20 Nxb7 gf 21 Qxf5+ Kg8 22 Rd7.  And if Black tries 20... Rhf8 White saves his piece neatly after 21 Rd7+ Qxd7 22 Bxd7 Rxf2 23 Kxf2 Rb8 24 Nd6 Rd8 25 Ne8.

So Black plays 19... Kg8.  But now on 20 Bg6 Black, faced with the threat of Bf7+, seems to have little other than 20... Rf8 which (unfortunately for him) loses to 21 Qxf8+ Kxf8 22 O-O+ Kg8 23 Nxb7 with Rd8+ looming.

Yes 19.Bf7? is wrong; I simply forgot that moving h8 removes the mate threat. 19.O-O is the simplest and there's just nothing black can do, but 19.Bf5+ is also good; after 19...g6 the simplest is just 20.Nb5 with 21.Rd7+ (20...Qc6 21.Rd7+ Kg8 22.Nd6), while 19...Kg8 20.Bg6?! is alright, but black can escape after 20...Rf8 21.Qxf8+ Kxf8 22.O-O+ Kg8 23.Nxb7 Nc6. Hence after 19...Kg8 again the simple 20.O-O is good, and black simply can't do anything. (My brief thoughts only)

AndyClifton: After 23... Nc6 24 Rf7 Qxf7 25 Bxf7+ Kxf7 26 Rd7+ Kg8 27 c3 Black's endgame looks rather grim, to put it mildly.

It's not so pleasant, but 26...Ne7 looks like an improvement and white is preferable, but it's questionable whether it's winning.


I covered that.  And no, I don't think Black can "escape" after 23... Nc6. Wink

One more thing:  if you're genuinely asking for advice, that's fine; but if you're endeavoring to "test" us, kindly take it, and your "brief thoughts," somewhere else (you sound more and more like a proctor with each passing moment)...

AndyClifton wrote:

I covered that.  And no, I don't think Black can "escape" after 23... Nc6. 

One more thing:  if you're genuinely asking for advice, that's fine; but if you're endeavoring to "test" us, kindly take it, and your "brief thoughts," somewhere else (you sound more and more like a proctor with each passing moment)...

Black is worse, but does not really look dead lost. I'm neither asking for advice, nor "testing" people.. since when was sharing annotation so bad...


Looks dead lost to me...but suit yourself.

And what exactly are you doing?  If you are not asking for advice or giving us a quiz?  This is "sharing annotation"?  Why not post your analysis right away, if you don't really care to hear our views on the matter?

AndyClifton wrote:

Looks dead lost to me...but suit yourself.

And what exactly are you doing?  If you are not asking for advice or giving us a quiz?  This is "sharing annotation"?  Why not post your analysis right away, if you don't really care to hear our views on the matter?

If you really want to... people that want to analyse it themselves without bias look away!

LongIslandMark wrote:

I think we can fun with this if we try. Let's change it into an advice column for lower rater players. I'm rated way below you guys, so please tell me why these ideas aren't best.

How about 19. Nf7 attacking the rook or 19. Nb5 attacking the queen - just to open the rook file. Then 20. Rd7 pinning the pawn, threatening Qf5#

Okay - Black at this level wouldn't allow all that to happen. At my level it would be likely.

Could try 19. Nf5, threatening 20. Nxg7. And if Kxg7 or Qxg7, then Rd7 wins the queen. 

19.Nf7 and 19.Nb5 are good, Black will probably sac an exchange with 19...Bxe4 against Nf7 while Nb5 looks promising I agree. 19.Nf5 is not so successful, as it is not forcing and black has time to put a rook on the d-file and blunt the attack

