
Calgary Chess Statue... Odd Position



MY GOD, Silentfilmstar!! Do you realize what this means??? It's him!



TheGrobe wrote: I've seen this sculpture and often thought what a shame it is for it to be tucked away in a dark corner on the seedy side of downtown.

Oh aye, Rael, what are you doing at the seedy side of downtown? The mystery thickens.

Oh, I was turning tricks, you know, the usual. Amber's my pimp.
Aha!  I was wondering why it had a Gameboy in its pocket!  That explains everything.
Well it's 8 at night over there, so I'd better let you get ready for work sweet cheeks :)


The placement of White's pawns in your diagram seem to me to be wrong. From all the pictures, I don't think there should be a pawn on d2. Interestingly, if the pawn was there, white's dark square bishop on c1 would still be stuck on his home square! The rest are fine so I think you just clicked your mouse one too many times by accident.  


I remember the statue and the black night was in his hand as he contemplated his next move although he appeared to be in check mate