
Game phase analzsis



I am currently trying to analyze performance data on chess. 
My data-set records the starting- and end-time as well as the total number of moves done per game.


Is it  possible to reconstruct the phases of the game (opening, middlegame, endgame)?
Is there a generally accepted rule of thumb e.g. 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 or 1/4, 1/2, 1/4 ??

Thanks a lot and best regards


I don't think there is any such rule. The start of the middlegame could occur quite quickly into the game or it could take a lot longer to get there. The middlegame generally starts when both players have castled and have completed their development (minor pieces out etc.). 


I support corum.


Analyze Scholar's Mate, I'd love to know when the middlegame ends and the endgame begins tongue.png


I agree with corum on the start of middle game. I believe the end game begins when there are less pieces on board to play any immediate tactical moves... there are a lot of forced moves(crucial moves to gain advantage on board) which if not played, would give you a bad game... the main goal is to promote the pawn to a queen and then checkmate the opponent.


Thanks for the quick feedback.

I found a study that divides the game as follows:
Opening: first 8 moves
Middle game: from 9th move 
Endgame: starts when on side has less than 1950 points worth of material
(Pawn: 100 points, Bishop&Knight: 330 each, Rook: 500, Queen: 900)

This rule of thumb has never been tested, though. The study focused on creating a chess machine btw.
I hope I find further evidence wink.png
I keep you guys updated