
How can I avoid this situation?

JBarryChess wrote:

I would have done A3 on the 3rd move for black to prevent white's knight to B5. Isn't that the "fried liver" attack by white?

you mean a6 right? also its the opposite side, forking the king & rook instead of queen & rook


@Post #10

Massive Upvotes to post 10.


That’s the way to play chess!

Jobava London is a Joke!

Jobava could have been World Champion if only he would of stopped playing these rubbish lines.

You shouldn’t be afraid of Nb5.

Nb5 is a gift!

They are just throwing away the white pieces.

Its like they are playing for team Black when they do such things.

You should rejoice when you see such moves.


Trash moves

Outrageous Opening


I’m jealous really

Why doesn’t people play that against me?