


I'm not asking for a free diamond membership. 

What I ask is if someone with a diamond membership can help me analyze my games. I'm a free-to-play player and I can only analyze one game per day (with full analysis*). So if anyone would be so kind to just look over my games and analyze them, I would be grateful. 

Thank you... happy.png

*Full Analysis is when you analyze with the engine and it gives you the accuracy of your moves.*


Thing is, how will you get analyzed game happy.png




Ok, so that is one of your games above.  What you can do is click on the magnifying glass in the lower left of the diagram, and just scroll through the moves yourself with stockfish set to unlimited.  It only takes a couple of minutes to analyze a game this way.  For instance, I spent 30 seconds or less getting through the first 10 moves or so,  with a disproportionate amount of time on 4. ... nc6 which seems wrong to me but stockfish doesn't dislike, and 7. ...a5 which also seems wrong to me, and which stockfish agrees was harmful.  I didn't spot the fact that 8. ...h6 was an actual blunder, but stockfish immediately did.  Sure this manual analysis takes slightly longer, but if you are thinking about the game and the moves as you do this, the time isn't wasted.


I did it every time. But it is a hard work to do it manually. Good advice. 

I mean, if you are a diamond membership, you can analyze with the engine for an unlimited time. Full analysis color-codes blunders (red) and good moves (green). It also shows the percentage of good moves (accuracy) after it analyzes your games. That would be more helpful tho. 

Thanks for the advice.




If spending the 3 minutes to do it the manual way is bugging you and you don't want to go premium, I guess you could vote with your feet.  Lichess has great free analysis built in.  It doesn't have nearly as many bells and whistles as, but for free users, some of the core features are, well, just better.  


@checkmateohwait  Thanks so much for spending time to analyze my games. 

spyninjaz01 wrote:

I'm not asking for a free diamond membership. 

What I ask is if someone with a diamond membership can help me analyze my games. I'm a free-to-play player and I can only analyze one game per day (with full analysis*). So if anyone would be so kind to just look over my games and analyze them, I would be grateful. 

Thank you...

*Full Analysis is when you analyze with the engine and it gives you the accuracy of your moves.*

The accuracy of your moves is a waste on your study time.  use an engine to concentrate on blunders, and missed tactics.

Hello ,
How can I go over the Rush puzzles in which I’ve made mistakes and analyze them ?.
Thank you