
Read This Before You Post


Great guidlines, but some technical tips on exactly how to annotate and post games would be useful --particularly for me right now, LOL! Anyone care to help with this?


Hi I do not know if this is the place to ask this question.

I like to get analyzes of my games from but find that many of the moves I play seem ok to me but when the analyzes comes back I get many ?! It gives me the best continuation but the end result seems to be the same.


Would I be able to try and post a few games here for feedback or is their a group or forum where you can get help ?

HymnofAshes wrote:

I see three queens and seven pawns....

Where did the extra queen come from? France?

 lol that comment just made my day :)


I am with Paul 211. Answers to the questions would be a great assist. Smile


I posted a step by step tutorial (at least at high level) for how to post games.  Questions are welcome.  Laughing


I've got a possible solution for TonyGas, resign and hope your opponet lets you do a Masters Mate.  But if you will settle for four moves you could always try Fools Mate.


Good Information. i'll have to post my a game sometime

anaxagoras wrote:

Welcome to the Game Analysis forum


The purpose of this forum is improvement at chess! We can all improve at chess when we share meaningful questions and examples from our past losses, draws, and a few of our wins. In order to get the most out of posting your game at the analysis forum, follow these guidelines:


1. Annotate your game yourself before you post! By annotate we mean the addition of your thoughts, commentary, and possible variations. In order to receive accurate feedback, we must know what you were thinking as you played the game, and what you think of it now. It often happens that a right move was made for the wrong reason: knowing your thought process is the only way to bring this to light!


2. Post a lot games that you lost, a few that were draws, and on occasion those that you won. While it is more fun to gloat over our wins than suffer under our losses, we learn the most when we review our losses. If you really want to post a game where you crushed your opponent, consider the game showcase forum.


3. Don't look at a chess engine for analysis until after you have analyzed the game with others at; the same goes for those reviewing. If you are adding analysis found with the aid of a chess engine, make it known.


4. In addition to your thoughts, commentary, and possible variations, here are some of the most common symbols for annotating a chess game:


!! An extremely strong move, often game winning.

! A great move

!? A speculative move, possibly strong but more analysis is needed.

?! A dubious move, prossibly weak but more analysis is needed.

? A bad move

?? A blunder, equivalent to hanging a piece.

+- White is winning.

+/- White has a significant edge.

+/= White has a small edge.

= Equality.

=/+ Black has a small edge.

-/+ Black has a significant edge.

-+ Black is winning.


5. Never post a game or a position from a game that is ongoing. Asking for help with ongoing games is unsportsmanlike and unethical. Need we say more?



I know that to analyse matches in progress is forbidden in I understand why: you believe strongly that doing it is unethical, or unsportsmanlike.  But I think we can do that outside Analysis and advice given in hot like when we play team matches is good for improving our chess. Why not at an individual level?

It is not sure we will improve more our chess by receiving advice in hot, during a match. But it is not sure the ulterior analysis would be useful at all. Sometimes I disagree with the moves suggested by

The advice can be of many kinds: not necessarily detailed moves, but strategic or tactic lines (better exchange pieces, better stay with the horse or the bishop, better attack in the left or in the middle, etc...).

I think that without advice, we tend to become more conservative chess players.

Kind regards,


I do not pretend to change the rules. But in a forum we can express our ideas with freedom, even you disagree. And life continues outside


When the opponent agrees to a game against you, he should get a game against you. Not against your friends, your local GM, or anyone you can find to help you on the internet. It simply doesn't matter how valuable in game advice would be to your development as a player, you promised to play the game on your own.

Not to mention that it undermines the rating system to have outside help with your game.


If you want to play games where you get ideas during the game because you feel that would be more instructive, play an unrated game where you agree with your opponent before hand that you are allowed to get outside advice. Otherwise, you're being dishonest.


How many analyses (threads) am I allowed to start in say 1 week, without being a spammer? Because I would like to learn much and analyse each of my games here on forum, but if every second thread is mine it would be a spam, right?


thx for the advice, I will take note


Great guidelines. All should follow


Do U mean U going to analyse our game and V need to post it here ?


I would like to post my game here or email it to someone who would be willing to give me a few pointers.  P.S. I have been to India - Ahaminabad via Mumbai.   -Pastor Bill


Being newbie in chess looks like my games would'nt qualify for analysis here.


... so I can still ask questions about game analsis (spelled it wrong)

Loomis wrote:

When the opponent agrees to a game against you, he should get a game against you. Not against your friends, your local GM, or anyone you can find to help you on the internet. It simply doesn't matter how valuable in game advice would be to your development as a player, you promised to play the game on your own.

Not to mention that it undermines the rating system to have outside help with your game.


If you want to play games where you get ideas during the game because you feel that would be more instructive, play an unrated game where you agree with your opponent before hand that you are allowed to get outside advice. Otherwise, you're being dishonest.

local GM? Grand masters are not exactly "local"

mbshier wrote:

thanks for the  guidelines ..I agree with u

it is also very important to notice the reaction of others , so i hope all members to react with the annouted games




i love this advice!!!

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