
Ruy Lopez Steinitz, Knight Outpost


Hey :) This is my first post to the forums, with a game that strongly illustrates the value of a central Knight outpost and Kingside aggression thereafter. I want as much constructive criticism as possible on my thought process and moves, as far as ratings, I'm usually 1700 ish, just in a bad patch, ECF 143. Hope you enjoy it!



Black should try 29... Bxg5 30 g7 Rhg8.


But what about White? Any indications of faulty thought or weak play?


You're using too many ??'s when you annotate (those connote gross blunders only).


I'm asking about my play and thought processes, would you please be more constructive?


That is plenty constructive, assuming that you are willing to make use of it.  Please stop being so constrictive.


What is constrictive in asking for constructive criticism of my moves? If you have a problem would you please come out with it? I'm gonna leave this thread for a couple of days to see if I get any more replies.


Knowing how to annotate properly is all part of your presentation.  It is you who seem to have the problem.


I was having trouble playing against the Steinitz defense, so your commentary was very instructive, thank you.

Just 2 things:

1) I would have played 11.Bg5 instead of 11.Be3, to exchange off Black's knight. Then your knight on d5 would completely dominate Black's bishop, and the position would be strategically winning. 

2) There is a lot of flashy stuff from move 27 onwards, lots of zwischenzugs, and you leave black's knight hanging for a while. When you're winning, try to win as simply as possible. It is the losing side that wants to complicate, the winning side wants to simplify. I've blown lots of winning positions by being tempted to enter complications.