
Critique this pls.


Here is a game I played recently. I didn't annotate it as much as I probably should have, but here it is. I am playing with the black pieces. All the thoughts I put in were obviously post-game. Be as honest as you like. *This is the first time I have used the diagram so some of the annotations may be a little off. Also I did not use the computer analysis prior to this.


I'm not going to go through every detail but when he plays d4 and then nc3 you should play c5 and put pressure on his d pawn and then develop the knight to c6. The c pawn would also free your queen, and would have allowed for more dynamic play on your part. 


28...Rxe1? is cringe worthy. After 28. dxc5 neither 28...Rxd1+ Kxd1 or 28...Bg4 involve losing two pawns and allowing Black to have a passer on the h file.


No one is going to mention that after 2...e6 White's best is probably 3. e4 with a mainline French by transposition?