
Unsure of moves


I believe your position is at quite a disadvantage - you are three pawns down and the game is too closed for you to have counterplay for the three pawns. Since the game is locked, I would suggest maneuvering the knight so that it can enter a weak light square. Maybe something like Ne1-c2-e3-f5?

Also, that c7 pawn is looking pretty weak - maybe you can try pressuring it by lining up your heavy pieces (rooks/queen) along the c-file?

Simply take the black Rook and, BINGO! You’ve got his queen in checkmate. It’s all downhill from there old boy! Hope this expert advice clears everything up for you! Don’t get upset with yourself. Believe you me! I had to play for well over 8 months before I became so very peculiarly excellent and unusually proficient in helping the exceedingly few who are able to play at my almost profoundly pedestrian if not puerile level. Most people who I’ve played with that I’ve met personally on here, seem to be in a strangely mirthful awe as soon as they lay eyes on me. Invariably, they grin real big and as I begin to discuss my unremarkable accomplishments, their grinning turns into a garrulous yet almost ragingly angry antagonism. Indeed! There are very few people who play our beloved game of chess with the same unpredictably cacophonous clarity and sluggardly confusion as I do. Funny thing is, no one has ever asked for my autograph. Kindly yours,
Turly Curd