
Weak attack on my part.


I am playing Black here. 
1. Nf3 d5  Wanted to attack center and C  Bishop.
2. Ne5 e6  Thought knight was strange move, did not see it as threat so wanted to defend d5 pawn.
3. Nxf7 Kxf7  Did not see reason not to take, a undevolped pawn for devolped knight.
4. e3 Nf6  Wanted to defend center pawn and apply pressure to center.
5. g4 Bd6  Devolp Bishop, and attack center.
6. Qf3 Rf8 Potential pressure on Queen, but most importantly rook on half open file.
7. g5 Nc6 I am willing to sacrfice the NF6 knight, so devoloped other knight and applied more pressure to center.
8. gxf6 Qxf6 Did not want to close file on rook, I thought he would back his queen off.
9. Qxf6+ Kxf6 Had to take, again did not want close file and isolate pawn.
10. Bb5 Bd7 Wanted to connect the rooks, and possible make discover attack on his bishop later.
11. b3 Rf7  Looking to double up rooks on half open file.
12. Bb2+ Ke7 Had to get out of check, and king more protected here.
13. Nc3 a6  Trying to mount offense, wanted to dislodge the Bishop. 
14. Bxc6 bxc6 Decided to take with pawn to open half file incase he castled queenside.  In hindsight I think Bxc6 would have been better.
15. Na4 Raf8  Readying for future attack, I think C5 would have been better choice.  That would make a discovery attack on Knight and improved pawn structure.
16. O-O-O Rxf2  I saw free piece with no downside.
17. Bxg7 R8f7  Escape danger, protect h2 pawn, and remain 2 rook on file.
18. Rhg1 Bxh2  Open file for future pawn promotion and put pressure on rook.
19. Nc5 Bxg1  I will trade my bishop for rook all day long.
20. Rxg1 Be8  Move Bishop out of danger, and provide some protection for pawn promotion later.
21. Bd4 Rf1+  Ahead on material, willing to trade since I am not making strong attack on king.
22. Rxf1 Rxf1+ Logical continuation (sp?)
23. Kb2 h5  Looking to promote pawn.
24. Be5 Rd1  Mistake here.  I changed gears.  Now trying to break pawn structure, I should have commited to one course or the other earlier.
25. d3 Rd2  Looking for Bg6 and grabbing more pawns and keeping pressure on, should have focused on pawn promotion I think.
26. Bxc7 Bg6  As above.
27. Nb7 Bxd3  Grab free pawn with c2 pawn pinned.
28. Bd6+ Kf7  Looking back Ke8 would have been better, wanted to gain distance on knight and look to protect h5 pawn if need be
29. Nd8+ Ke8 realized my earlier misstep, the above move cost me a turn.
30. Nxe6 Kd7  Fork with the king not something I would reccomend, but was safe from bishop and knight could not move and protect his bishop.
31. Bb4 Rxc2+  Felt pressure on king was more important than knight, figured I could get it later and did not want his bishop slowing down my attack.
32. Kb1 Kxe6 Pretty good material advantage on my part, could not see not making this move.
I made a lot of errors, but my biggest problem seems to be lack of focus and trying to do too much at one time.