
What do you guys think of this and is this a mating net?


I played as white in this game and I had a strong lead in development but I delayed castling too long and lost my rook to knight fork on C2. But I saw that their king was vulnerable and their bishops were trapped, so I tried to think of a creative way I could use what pieces I had to create a checkmate. My idea was to get out of the discovered attack on my queen and get my queen onto the H4 diagonal with check gaining a tempo to tempt the queen onto G6 with knight sacrifice which it said was a blunder. The reason I did this was because once the queen was on G6, I thought the idea of them being able to attack G2 and rook on H1 would be too tempting.

I wanted to get my bishop working together on that diagonal with my queen, so I found a move that looks like I'm sacrificing the bishop to check with queen and take their rook pinning bishop, and they saw it as I was hoping and so they moved their king. I wanted their dark square bishop defending E7 gone and I saw that if I left my rook there on H1 they'd want to take it so I catapulted my bishop onto E7 attacking their bishop. They took the rook and I saw the king still had an escape path so I played Bb5+ and they blocked with the pawn as I wanted, then I took the bishop tempting the rook with easy recapture cementing the success of Qe7#. I think it's called a mating net. I'm really proud of it haha because I never thought I could think something like this up at my rating (759). I wanted to share with you guys happy.png

Excellent mate, gg!