
Attack and counter attack with lots of sacrifices


Great game I played recently:


Nice game!

Aboaisha wrote:

look to the this nearly the same variations ^_^ 
But black win :) 

Well, in the game I posted I certainly didn't know whether I would win or whether black would succeed. And because of that it was indeed a great and very exciting game.

pfren wrote:

14...bc6?? throws away an easy win, like 14...Nxc6 15.Qxh8 Qg1+, when white has a "pleasant" choice between allowing Black to queen the f3 pawn, giving up his queen to avoid checkmate, or allow Black to mate him. I would pick the latter, as the game isn't interesting, in any case.


Well, interesting enough so that you chose to take the time to analyse the game.

Thanks for that!!

Amazing what one can miss in such a game.


He is a very good player and can analyze or see these things rather quickly!

If you post here and give a game--you take a chance of being shot down!Frown

ponz111 wrote:

He is a very good player and can analyze or see these things rather quickly!

If you post here and give a game--you take a chance of being shot down!

Why not look at it from a positive side? Personally I take the view that I take a chance of my game being analysed and/or commented by a great player.

I have seen many of pfren's posts around and I like reading them. It was unexpected that he commented on my game, but I enjoy it actually and appreciate it very much.


Yes, you are right--it is a positive thing that you posted a game and got good analysis on it.