
Dude stalled for 6minutes in M2


Dude i literally bolded to you

Stalling can take several forms, including:

Letting the clock run out: Instead of resigning, the player simply allows the time to expire without making any moves.
Taking excessively long between moves: The player deliberately takes a very long time between moves, effectively dragging the game out with unnecessary or pointless moves.

Also i don't give a flying you-know-what about the ranking points anymore, i just got pissed, and gonna be more more obnoxious in insults until i get an acknowledgment of some reaction on that. Since that time i already gained 100+ points in rapid so its like whatever, its a matter of principle. After that game he ended up being 16pts higher than he should and i 16pts lower than i should.


You'll be waiting a long time. used to inform you when they had taken action (although they didn't say what the action was). They don't do that anymore.


Fine, but im also prepared to bump this thread indefinitely wink.png


Ok I got some refund for 5 points which I'm not even sure is from that game, probably is not but I changed my mind even if it's for that game I want 16 which is the difference from losing 8 to gaining 8 .

ckopytko wrote:

Ok I got some refund for 5 points which I'm not even sure is from that game, probably is not but I changed my mind even if it's for that game I want 16 which is the difference from losing 8 to gaining 8 .

It is not for that one.

Go to your first game on December 22. You will see the game where you lost 5 rating points, and the opponent was closed for cheating.

As for the second part... They do not do it like that. When you lose, you simply get what you've lost (unless 3 months have passed since the game, or the cheater played 100 games since then, in which case you get nothing).

They never count it as a win because that would disbalance the ratings, as the cheater was banned so he is not in the system anymore, it is done as if the game never happened. So if you gain rating as it was a win for you, and basically nobody doesn't lose anything (as the cheater is banned), there would be influx of rating points in the system and with it an inflation, because 60 000+ people are banned every month (sometimes a bit more, sometimes a bit less).

It would be as if you are trying to eliminate poverty by printing money.

When it comes to that blatant stalling game... As far as I know, they never refund games when someone stalled, even if they punish the person for stalling in some way.

I understand your pain, as I had games where people stalled for 30 minutes and then made their moves, luckily for me I anticipated it, and reported them regardless of a win afterwards.


I get it, im really just obnoxious by principle at this point. Consider me and this post as an odd part of this subforum environment for the time being.

I dont mind games where i lost on time in a winning position because of poor time management (which happens a lot and i deserve it), nor I expect to them to close account for my opponent for stalling in this particular example - and in this instance there Is no reason to consider it inflation, if points are deduced from that player and given back to me.

As for that game in dec 22 - good to know it was from that, i kinda didnt thought about juat checking the archive


Eeapecially that I have an awful downward streak so yeah, just give me back the points i rightfully deserved in the place of the points i rightfully lose


Like literally just had first win after ten losses straight so...


Quick update, 20 days still no info what a shame


Yeah i would reaaaally use these points right now


but it wasnt his fault that you forgot about the game so why should you get a rating refund. at least he moved and didnt stall the whole game to run out of time.

ckopytko wrote:

This unsportsmanlike behavior is a tactic some players use when they realize they cannot win, often to frustrate or annoy their opponent. Stalling can take several forms, including:
Taking excessively long between moves: The player deliberately takes a very long time between moves, effectively dragging the game out with unnecessary or pointless moves. - bolded especially for you.
aand later is stays
If you come across this kind of behavior, we encourage you to report the player. We understand how frustrating stalling can be, and we do not tolerate it on our site.

Also refund is one of the things, id also be at least partially satisfied with restriction for that player at least some message from chess,.com that they acknowledged my report, but i havent, so im full on now.


Yeah days are passing indeed

ckopytko wrote:

and yeah, i forgot about the game, he moved 10 sec before time limit
[removed] it was disgusting and i was indeed pissed off, stuff like this should be recognized by system instantly because what the hell is this
also for the record, so it's not totally irrelevant, it was rather good and fun game otherwise

[Removed: Offensive] ~W


Please just let me have my place to rage thank you


Why rage? You were tricked! You fell for it! Learn from your mistakes!


Yeah this is


A) not a trick


Sorry didnt know return is just posting stuff instead of new line lol. B) dont tell me what can or cannot be the reasons for my rage. I could instead rage about fairly lost games but for some reason you dont see me ranting about these do you c) yeah with this reasoning i might as well punch my opponent unconcious then wait until their time out and call it a trick, but last time i checked chessboxing is not feature

woton wrote:

Why rage? You were tricked! You fell for it! Learn from your mistakes!

haters nowadays

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