
My Shortest Wins XIX


Hey folks, Merry Christmas! This is the ninteenth installment of My Shortest Win Series!

For a CHRISTMAS SPECIAL I'll show you an exciting game where I beat an FM!

Here's the game:

Lesson learned: BE CAREFUL!


i cant wait for "My shortest wins: XXX", but we still have a longs ways for that.


They're starting to sound like Super Bowls.


why can't you wait?


youll find out when youre older.


Having just played thru the above game I feel compelled to ask a question even tho I'm just a very average Woodpusher. Not meaning to cast any dispersions on FM D.Hassel's character, but is it possible that he was on some kind of Drugs at the time of this Game ?


Nah, it was online.

@pfren After the game Fritz told me I was up like, 2.5 pawns or so.


Wow, well played! Although, if I were black I would still play on, since the game just got very interesting with possible sacrifices and hidden attacks. :)

melvinbluestone wrote:

7...Be7 is probably safer for black. I've tried 7...Bd6 followed by O-O, with pretty good results. But the move hardly turns up at all in the DB I checked, so maybe there's something wrong with 7...Bd6. 

Bd6 blocks the queen, leaves bishop pretty much pinned and useless.

melvinbluestone wrote:
Cnacnel wrote:
melvinbluestone wrote:

7...Be7 is probably safer for black. I've tried 7...Bd6 followed by O-O, with pretty good results. But the move hardly turns up at all in the DB I checked, so maybe there's something wrong with 7...Bd6. 

Bd6 blocks the queen, leaves bishop pretty much pinned and useless.

Pardon? Blocks the queen from what? How is the bishop pinned?

Try playing this opening on and you'll see. I didn't check it with engine so I may be wrong, but that's how I see it. Maybe there is a way to make this bishop active but from what I played with myself, the enemy can evade it and pin him to the queen.


Take a look

7. Bxf7+


Awesome opening! I think he should have kept playing but great job especially against such a high rated player :)