
A Jog Through The Woods


There was a man who liked to jog through the woods every morning. He had a favorite route he enjoyed. He ran it so consistently everyday that the grass had been cleared, and the ground was levelled. If you've ever had dogs who were active and fit, then you'd probably be familiar with the fine pathways that pop up on the yard over time.

Whenever he went on his morning jogs he'd hear a buzzing, or humming, sound coming from a place no too far off. He'd always figured that it was a bee hive, or wasps, or something like that, so he avoided it. If he wanted to see what it was in the first place he'd have to work through the branches and ruffle a few of them too, and that didn't sound like a good idea to him. So he always jogged past, always wondering what was congregating on the other side of those trees.

One day, the man decided to live dangerously. It might've been things at home that pushed him towards it - coupled with the latest edition of those take-a-hold-of-your-life films perhaps. Whatever it was, though, he finally decided that he was going to explore the other side of that forest. So on his morning jog, he stopped right where he could hear the sounds,

Buzzzzz buzzzz zzzzzz

He pushed his way through the branches. A few them snapped back and hit him in the face but he smiled. "The pain means I'm alive," he thought to himself, classic hero movie aftermath syndrome.

When he got to the other side, he was a bit surprised at his finding. Those weren't bees or wasps, they weren't even flies on a body, they were drones hovering over a chess board that was placed on an old dried up tree trunk. And when he got closer to see what was on the board, they scooped it up and flew away.

This is a weird story.

Lol, glad you liked it.

Hm, any other stories?

Yes, I have a few blogs. Push and Pull chapter 1 to 6 is the latest.


Look at the title of this forum. What does it say?

A jog through the woods.