
Any advice on how to stay focused during long times controls?


So I have this problem where I can't seem to focus during classical games. I get so bored and end up rushing my moves. Because of this, my quick rating and regular rating differ by about 200 points. I can seem to beat and draw experts/masters in fast time controls (less than 30 minutes) but I can't seem to beat 1800s in regular time control. Is there anything you guys do to stay focused and not get too impatient? 


I have same problem too. I guess we have to stop blitz/bullet and play only longer time controls somehow. But what to do when you just want to play some fun blitz games.. you know ..


I haven't played long live games in ages, but I used to play a lot of daily chess on Gameknot in the past. What helped me is this. Suppose I have 7 games I need to make a move in, 1 day per move. I tell myself, 


"Okay, I have to sit while thinking on moves for, at least, 30 minutes, then I can make them and move on."


Once you've forced yourself to just sit there, you realize that rushing it won't help you at all, you naturally calm your mind down and start thinking on your moves. I think something like this can help in live long games too: tell yourself, when you have a lot of time, "I have to think over the next move for at least 3 minutes". It will let you slow down, and you should be able to maintain the slow pace for a while. Then do it again. Rinse and repeat.


Get some water and walk around or something. That's what I do. 

Just relax and know that your time isn't going to run out (since you play quickly), and don't feel rushed or anything. 



Also, chess is a really complicated game. When I play slow chess, I want to discover what is going on, and the consequences of my moves.

I obvioulsy don't have nearly enough time to do this well, but it makes me want to use as much of my time as possible. 

So if you think like that, you'll naturally want to use a lot of time. There are lots of possibilities in many positions that you should consider, which is impossible in speed chess. 



if you can play it fast you can play it slow