
Approximate Ratings of Computer Levels?

gchess33 wrote:
Daunted wrote:

I wonder if there is a way we can get more accurate ratings than just guessing.  How would it work?  I imagine somebody with a powerful computer but under strict time control (so no ponder) have the different levels of computer play a bunch of against engines with known ELO (roughly speaking of course, perhaps engines that has played hundreds of games against other engines and high level players).   

I've tested it against some other engines. It is slightly weaker than Stockfish 8 on 25 ply (only slightly). On the Elo scale as used in TCEC compared to Stockfish 8 I'd say the Level 10 engine is somewhere around 2900-3000. I've checked its moves and almost all of them match perfectly with Stockfish 8 (it occasionally makes a "microblunder" but that's because it doesn't search very far). Level 9 is also tough but I would put it much lower on the scale because I have decent chances of beating it (so I would rate it ~2100-2200 TCEC Elo).

Great thank you, I did imagine it must be better than 2600-2700 at least because an engine I was using that was rated around that would lose to it often. 


Wow, if you can beat level 9 you must be pretty good.  I play on my PC and I'm stuck on level 7, have yet to beat it.


I'm really interested in the OP's comment about playing what appear to be vastly different playing skill in the <1200 rating range. Sometimes I play people who appear to have only the most basic understanding of chess moves, and they are rated 1050ish. Then I play someone at 1080 and I get matched with an 80+ move game full of nuances and beauty. WTF??


wishiwonthatone wrote:

I'm really interested in the OP's comment about playing what appear to be vastly different playing skill in the <1200 rating range. Sometimes I play people who appear to have only the most basic understanding of chess moves, and they are rated 1050ish. Then I play someone at 1080 and I get matched with an 80+ move game full of nuances and beauty. WTF??


This was why it was so hard for me to get over 1200 even though I made huge improvements. I would beat the typical 1100-1200 players, but then I would get matched up to these 1100-1200 players who hardly even made an inaccuracy the entire game, let alone a blunder. It was in these games where I had a really hard time winning. Right now at my rating level the competition is actually easier and the majority of games are either draws or wins where one side just barely won due to a bad mistake by the opponent.




In the past year I went from a 1025 to a 1315. That climb was excruciating for exactly the reasons you mention. And I also felt the competition was easier at the top. 

Then I entered a tournament and lost 100 points in a day and I'm back in the meat market. But why/how does it exist?

I have to go but later I will post several recent games which prove the point. the short of it is that there is a huge disparity in playing ability.


If you could see your opponent's RD value, you would know how accurate their rating is--is there a way to do that? It seems like you can only check the RD of people on your Friends list--at least on the iOS app. Also, since the ratings don't involve any analysis of the games, a player with very uneven play who is occasionally brilliant would have a mediocre rating and still mop the floor with opponents in the same range sometimes. I read the explanation of ratings. Someone correct me if this is wrong, but how easily you win or how badly you lose doesn't enter into the rating at all --only won/lost. Since the rating only predicts the likelihood that you will win or lose, it shouldn't be a shock when you beat someone well above your rating. It's going to happen sometimes-like every tenth game vs an opponent you only have a 10% against. I guess this is where the CAPS system comes in...

What's the RD value?


 What is this obsession with ratings? By playing more and more games you get assigned the rating you deserve.


Also there is nothing wrong with playing someone who is a little better or a little worse than you.

Another-Life wrote:

lmfao that's a 1200 elo game...

5 moves in you were blundering already

Well, it was level 6 on and it was on a gaming computer so the processor is pretty decent.




SAGM001 wrote:



dude i beat level 5 and lose to level 1, haha funny shit.


Beat on L5 without taking a move back.

Played L6 and could not beat it, so decided to mirror it against Shredder ELO approx 2200 and got a draw. Aldwyn East V'so Jerome West


Level 10 seems to play at around 2200.

About the same strength as COMPUTER 4 IMPOSSIBLE in Live Chess.

Or the strength of a National Master.


I'm pretty sure you can get an idea of the computer's approximate ratings by having it play itself on two different platforms then measuring its CAPS.


So I just had my laptop [set to Level 7] play against my phone [set to Level 10].


My phone is a Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016 model) running Android and my laptop is Dell with an 2.220GHz x 4 and, Intel HD Graphics 5500, with 8 GiB of RAM, running on Ubuntu 17.04.

The Phone set to Level 10 won (I resigned for the laptop when the score was +5.26 in the end game). The Phone had a CAPS of 98.68 while the Laptop had a CAPS of 85.68.

So, long story short... The device didn't make too much of a difference as

Phone Level 10: Over 2400 OTB

Desktop Level 7: 1700-1800 OTB

Keep in mind the sample size for this experiment was simply one game.


Easily defeated level 9 guess my fide rating 😅😆


Ive yet only drawn level 8 and won level 7. But I notice usually when i think very long and hard and play some complicated positions on level 7 or 8 and it always gets some complicated tactics in the end/middlegame and i lose. And sometimes i just literally blitz out without thinking at all, exchanging everything fast and it gives away free pawn and I win so i think it really cant be measured that way. Also i had many times even 4 vs 2 pawns and rook endings and i lose or draw grin.png Simply put its very stupid to play computer



Any guess of my fide rating !!! Random