
Cheat detection theory


I figured the system, amongst many other things, detects heavy alt tabbing. I was doing just that while playing a game and got a warning about engine cheating. This makes sense since you need to switch tasks in order to consult a program, since it's not in your browser.

So yeah, suspicious activity outside of browser and 2stronkmoves means engine pls.


i don't get how somebody would be able to play blitz with constant alt-tabbing since it could literally take 10 seconds per move


I'm sure some people cheat in blitz anyway. It's always weird when it takes time for some to move whether it's super obvious or crazy deep. I've seen people play flawless tactical motifs only to have lost on time...

Anyhoo, I was herp derping in a slower game. My advice: don't do anything else on your computer while playing, it may cause suspicion.