Forums should have better interface in mobile app

i would love to see to have better interface in mobile app. like having bigger chessboard, having better front page (home page). seeing a change would be good.
swastikmtt wrote:
i would love to see to have better interface in mobile app. like having bigger chessboard, having better front page (home page). seeing a change would be good.

There are two different apps-- one for ios; the other for Android. Which one are you talking about?

On Android, the board fills the whole screen width. I don't think it can be any bigger.

Maybe you are using a tablet or other device not shaped like a phone.

On iOS it seems to be completely fine as well... they can’t really make it any bigger.

iOS Graphics are superb. Navigation and response excellent.

The board width covers the entire screen. But it could be made bigger.
(with a rectangular board !!)



StormCentre3 wrote:

iOS Graphics are superb. Navigation and response excellent.

The board width covers the entire screen. But it could be made bigger.
(with a rectangular board !!)


That's not the app. Mobile web is completely different and a rectangular board would look weird.


Yep- my screen shot was of the web version. ( my bad). Ok - here is the app version. Point being both boards fill the entire screen (width)on mobile devices. 
Surely it’s realized the comment about a larger board being “rectangular” is tongue in cheek.


The boards and the game playing experience are very similar on the app and web versions. I much prefer the app with its simplicity and far better response to finger entries.

The apps front page is customizable in settings.