
Correct "opening book" for engines


I recently got the bright(?) idea to replace Fritz 12's opening book (about 1.5 million games, and several years out-of-date) with my ChessBase BIG DB (about 5.5 million games, up-to-date via TWIC). 

So, now there's hardly any difference between the "Book" output and the "reference" output, I presume the book was originally intended to be a smaller and more exclusive DB intended to reflect current theory more so than a much bigger DB that basically has everything but the kitchen sink thrown in.

Does anyone familiar with chess software have any thoughts on how "bright" my idea was? I'm mostly using F12 to analyze my finished games and considering my  mediocre tactical ability maybe worrying about how well the software critiques my openings is a waste of time...


Here is a list by rigamigician from the group Thematic vote chess. Not sure when the list was last updated though. You can find some really good teams here.

"Here is a list of active groups which focus on specific variations or types of opening such as gambits:

Gambit Fans!, 190 members, 18 vote games in progress

GAMBIT EARS, 54 members, 11 vote games in progress

Londoneers, 56 members, 7 vote games, run by wormrose

1...g6 Modern Defence, 127 members, 6 vote games, run by wormrose

Pirc Defense Group, 92 members, 6 vote games, run by wormrose

KIA inc., 71 members, 6 vote games, run by wormrose & Billium248

King's Gambit Players, 1126 members, 5 vote games in progress

1.g3 Benko/Hungarian, 26 members, 5 vote games, run by wormrose

1.b3 Nimzo-Larsen Attack, 168 members, 4 vote games, run by linksspringer & wormrose

1...b6, 78 members, 4 vote games, run by linksspringer & wormrose

Benoni Counter-Blast, 62 members, 4 vote games in progress

English Opening Lovers, 211 members, 3 vote games in progress

1.e4 d5 Scandinavian Defense, 149 members, 3 vote games in progress

Bogolyubov Variations, 115 members, 3 vote games in progress

Budapest Gambiteers, 75 members, 3 vote games, run by polleke

Sicilian Dragon and his systems, 70 members, 3 games in progress

Caro-Kann Cutthroats, 297 members, 2 vote games, run by polleke

Bird's Opening Lovers, 230 members, 2 vote games, run by linksspringer & wormrose

Alapin Variations, 166 members, 2 vote games in progress

The Radical Ruy Lopez, 165 members, 2 vote games in progress

1.d4 Nf6 Indians, 155 members, 2 vote games in progress

Grunfeld and the KID, 77 members, 2 vote games in progress

Gambit Gang, 311 members, 1 Latvian Gambit game, run by rigamagician

Dynamic Dutch Defense, 128 members, 1 vote game in progress

1.Nc3 1...Nc6 Fans!, 62 members, 1 vote game, run by linksspringer

Sac and Attack, 45 members, 1 Peresypkin's Sacrifice game, run by rigamagician

Hippo, 34 members, 1 vote game in progress"


Thanks for the input everyone!