
Do Gambits work?

A while ago I began to play habits like the smith-morra, queens gambit (which one still plays) and -every so often- the Danish gambit. However, I find I only really win by placing upon my opponents so much pressure they crack due to time troubles and I win material/give mate. Other times however, I my imitative is neutralized and I perish regarding my loss of material. Should I keep playing these gambits or should I stick to solid territories? ( I know the queens gambit is solid enough, and have lost only few games with it)

the queens gambit isn't really a gambit as it's impossible for black to keep the pawn. just a delayed exchange. 


When I play it as a gambit, (not recovering the pawn) I don't do as well as when I do recover said pawn.




In most true gambits, the side accepting the gambit can give back the material at the right moment to equalize or get a positional edge.  There are some solid gambits, like the Volga or the Budapest, but they are more complicated.  Some beginners like to play things like d4/e5 or e4/e5/d4.  I don't think these are objectively sound    


The Volga?


just google it

Shaoni2. He did not say it was not "strong". He simply stated that it isn't really a gambit.

Personally, I do much better staying away from gambits, there seem to be ways to refute most of them, and the ones that do work are complex and only work well if you an expert level or better player, which isn't me.....but the best rule is know thyself....many beginners like to use them as gadgets to try and achieve easy results without much study....seems to be a good way to trap yourself rather than the other player. I love players that play gambits on me because I win most of those games....


Just about every round of every tournament featuring +2700 rated players has at least one gambit. 

Chess is like physics. Material can be turned into energy, and back into material again. 

The point of a gambit isn't to regain the material, the point of a gambit is to gain time and position at the cost of material. If you pick up material along the way, fine. But if you win the king, even better!

SmyslovFan wrote:

Just about every round of every tournament featuring +2700 rated players has at least one gambit. 

Chess is like physics. Material can be turned into energy, and back into material again. 

The point of a gambit isn't to regain the material, the point of a gambit is to gain time and position at the cost of material. If you pick up material along the way, fine. But if you win the king, even better!

well you are expert++ level so it proves my, and happy hunting!!!
