
do you have to be good at math to be good at chess?


if you can do math well in your head it will help you out in chess.

but if you have to write it all out than it might not.



"if you can do math well in your head it will help you out in chess. but if you have to write it all out than it might not."


Unless it's a correspondence game where you write down your moves.

Naught + Naught = Naught

it will help you in endgame, calculating possibilities and so on

logically no

for unknown reasons yes

I consider myself pretty bad at math, but quite good at chess.  In various rating exams, I've scored up to around 1800, but the last math class I had was in high school.  Now, being a senior in college, I think reasoning, logic, and memory are more helpful in a chess (things I'm use to using since one of my majors is philosphy), but if I were better at math, I think I would be better seeing ahead in games, one thing I'm really trying to work on. 
   Chess is about seeing spatial relationships on the board.  Not all people good at spatial relations are also good at math and viceversa.
StacyBearden wrote: I stand corrected. Boungcloud opening is not just an opening, it is an entire Boungcloud game after that point. Wow, you learn something more about the Boungcloud every day. Thank you, Redsoxpawn.

your welcome

I'm good as spastic relations. Would that help? Probably not.
I am going to leave it like this I SUCK at math and I am fairly good chess player however I have problems with my thoughts and I make rather stupid moves

Ok... I'll ask you another question:


If you are good at chess does it make you good at Go, Reversi or any other board game?


The answer is NO. But if you're good at math you probably can become good at chess and vice versa.  Both are mental disciplines. Both need focus, concentration, dedication, great tallent and hard work. 

Michail Tal was a math prodigy. In the first grade he was multiplying 3 diggit numbers in his mind. While his fellows were learning the numbers from 0 to 10. Summing and multiplying 1 diggit numbers. But unfortunately for Math.. his teacher didn't believed him. She believed he was reading the answers from the end of the textbook because he never payd attention in class and always knew the answers. Finally in the third grade Misha got tired of the low math grades and directed his energy and tallent to chess.


Math has no scienticially proven relationship with chess. Some players like Botvinnik was a math professor and the catalyst for starting chess engine programming. Others and the vast majority have no other talents: Kasparov, Karpov, Fischer, Tal, and on and on. Some have been great muscians, like Taimanov who was a concert pianist. Fischer whose IQ was estimated to be around 200 had a photographic memory. Love of the game, hard hard hard work with the proper training ie@ the Polgar sisters, with a bit of talent, will get you farther then a math background. I myself graduated Highschool at 13 with one math class. I am dyslexic and have ADD so however your brain is wired that is your palette for expression!
monalisa wrote: Math has no scienticially proven relationship with chess. Some players like Botvinnik was a math professor and the catalyst for starting chess engine programming. Others and the vast majority have no other talents: Kasparov, Karpov, Fischer, Tal, and on and on. Some have been great muscians, like Taimanov who was a concert pianist. Fischer whose IQ was estimated to be around 200 had a photographic memory. Love of the game, hard hard hard work with the proper training ie@ the Polgar sisters, with a bit of talent, will get you farther then a math background. I myself graduated Highschool at 13 with one math class. I am dyslexic and have ADD so however your brain is wired that is your palette for expression!

 yes, there is direct connection between IQ and the chess tallent. 

No, Botvinnik wasn't math professor. He was Electrical engineer

I already told you about Tals math tallent.

would you like to enlighten us with your scientic studies of IQ and chess? Wasn't Tal a literature student?
no i ebb in math and i am very good at chess bobby fischer dropped out of school he got papers back with the words not  satisfactory across the top and he wrote tough he obviously wasnt the most intelligent academically and chess is not math it is art
No u dont have to be great at maths. Im not to good at it but i understand the basics, i think as long as u have that ur ok. Chess uses both sides of our brains so involves many aspects of us to play well.Things like study and practice play the most important role in chess growth i feel....Cool
monalisa wrote: would you like to enlighten us with your scientic studies of IQ and chess? Wasn't Tal a literature student?

 Well, .. it's not mine study. Thanks for asking. Read the book:

"Genius in chess" by Jonathan Levitt, 1997

 True, he become literature student.. but that's years later.. :-) That doesn't change the fact he was a math tallent at age of 7.

That book is hardly a scientific study of the correlation between intelligence, genius, and chess. I have been told by a PH.D in Mathematics I am Way smarter then him at Math, what does this mean? Nothing. Math talent, as with IQ, is just some intrinsic scale developed by people who feel inadequant. A clear scale of who is a genius or better at chess is the player that wins!

My lovely wife has a  Ph.D. in Mathematics :) She tells me I'm a genius every day... believe me.. I know what you are talking about. 


... yes... we lose when we haven't had enough sleep

... and the win - it comes from the Gods..


I see no other explanation. 


logic is the answer


lubo wrote:

My lovely wife has a  Ph.D. in Mathematics :) She tells me I'm a genius every day... believe me.. I know what you are talking about. 


... yes... we lose when we haven't had enough sleep

... and the win - it comes from the Gods..


I see no other explanation. 

HAHAHA, agreed we married the same wife :)))))-