
Do you think chess and mathematics are related?


I used to calculate my next move, but since a while I just make it. No mathematics.


Ye  instinctive..I'm starting to get that...but with a triple make sure...It becomes more right than wrong as more playing is done. I posted a Face recognition/chess thessis earlier.....The more you play out certain stratergis..The more they become second nature....Do mathematicians do the same with formulae and numbers.......I think Chess players and mathematicians do have a connection......But only to collect there mail out of the same mailbox...


Rigorous reasoning is required in chess as in mathematics, no?


NO - math does not have so many exceptions to its rules and laws, or any at all that I am aware of. Various rules of chess strategy (don't move the same piece twice in the opening etc) have numerous exceptions. As Bobby Fischer once remarked the only math a chessplayer needs is the ability to count moves in basic endgames.

As for "rigorous reasoning" I have no clue how anyone else defines that term.


A rigorous  reasoning is a a reasoning wiht no holes

BowerickWowbagger wrote:

Prime numbers


Physicist : 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19....

Mathematician : 2,3,5,7,9 ...sorry , force of habit ...5,7,11,13,17,19

engineer: 2,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19.....

How about chess?

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5


1 is or is not a prime number?


1 does not have only 2 whole factors, so it doesn't fit the definition


In some theories, to be consistent, 1 is not a prime number.

See :


1 ain't prime, have to stick to definition where maths is concerned


Specifically geometry.

Tantale wrote:

Rigorous reasoning is required in chess as in mathematics, no?



Some great chessplayers have been good at math.  Some have also been lawyers.  Some have been musicians.  Some have been women chasers.


   I believe so because both math and chess require calculating to a certain extent. Chess also helps you to think clearer in math and it makes it easier to calculate. Three out of the four best Under 12 chess players in Jamaica obtained scholarships after doing this exam which included math, social studies, science and english language. Also, all of them got into the high school they wanted to go to which required a high average. That is enough to make me believe that chess and math is related. 


There are 3 kinds of chessplayers. Those who can count, and 

            those who can't!

Rachel2070 wrote:

Three out of the four best Under 12 chess players in Jamaica obtained scholarships after doing this exam which included math, social studies, science and english language. Also, all of them got into the high school they wanted to go to which required a high average. That is enough to make me believe that chess and math is related. 

That's not nearly enough for me. Smile


Well lets look at a few things... Chessboard has 64 squares right? a pawn is worth 1 point, knights 3..etc.. a chess game takes usually less then 2 hours..


Then too my rating's got a bunch of numbers in it.


Ye....A swimming pool is 25m long and yeh deep but you don't think about that while your swimming.

Stevie65 wrote:

Ye....A swimming pool is 25m long and yeh deep but you don't think about that while your swimming.

what has that have to do with chess and mathetmatics?


Hey, I'm just glad that somebody's posting something that doesn't have anything to do with either of those two!