
5 Bad Habits Every Aspiring Chess Player Should Avoid


 Ugh.  I've fallen into the ditch far too often with one or more of these.


1. Don't do blitz

2, Can'd weaker opposition.

3. Don't do blitz.

4. What's an engine?

5. Yep!


IMBacon wrote:

SeniorPatzer wrote:

 Ugh.  I've fallen into the ditch far too often with one or more of these.

For years pretty much all i would play here is blitz, and my tactics rating hovered in the 1800-1900 range.  I gave up blitz/bullet, and started taking my tactics study seriously.  Now my tactics rating is in the 2400's  Not that any of that matters, but i do know im seeing tactics better.

2400s tactics... only matters if you know how use it when you play. tactics without play is worthless


When I twaz' a little tike; a toodler, I played another toddler, he played black and I played white for many epochs O' time..Ticky tock, tocky tick, tick tock said da' clock. Now, Now? I have da' nuclear Force SydrOm of the Great War this thinGy you all call "chess".  I feel like an electron w/o a proton, a planet w/o a system, a galaxy w/o a universe. Time without its reciprocal, O' Tyme.. This will doom one as an event horizon will spaghettify thee. sad.png 

KingSullian wrote:

When I twaz' a little tike; a toodler, I played another toddler, he played black and I played white for many epochs O' time..Ticky tock, tocky tick, tick tock said da' clock. Now, Now? I have da' nuclear Force SydrOm of the Great War this thinGy you all call "chess".  I feel like an electron w/o a proton, a planet w/o a system, a galaxy w/o a universe. Time without its reciprocal, O' Tyme.. This will doom one as an event horizon will spaghettify thee.  

u make no sense

IMBacon wrote:
4.Checking with the engine

True! I prefer checking with the queen

Pikelemi wrote:
IMBacon wrote:
4.Checking with the engine

True! I prefer checking with the queen

That was good.


Good points Mr Bacon

I have all those
IMBacon wrote:
5 Bad Habits Every Aspiring Chess Player Should Avoid
4.Checking with the engine

You don't write about using engine for analysis, but "checking" [it?] with engine, so:

I assume you mean smart and moderate usage of chess engine, while or after analyzing position(s), to compare results of your own self-analysis that you did thoroughtly, in order to look for some new ideas, whether you missed some tactics, did some mistakes or inaccuracies, to look for even better sequences, etc.?

 Well... okay.... sad.png

I think I will give up being Aspiring Chess Player then...  surprise.pngsurprise.pngcry.png

(joking of course ♥)


Good tips. Thank you sir!


playing bad