
help im losing the games but winning the analysis!


Thats my problem in chess. I get great position in most games when i play my main openings but very often misses the win. My opponents on the other hand who would have spotted the wins wouldnt have been able to build the positions and say they felt run over until i messed up. I think i got a clear weakness in tactics and calculation. I made a plan so far 


1. make tactics trainer my best friend

2. do alot of endgames. i got a tip from a coach that working on getting good at endgames will increase my skill in calculation.


what do you guys think? does my plan make sence? should i add something?


Yes, practice calculation and endgame skills plenty.


i found the book "art of attack in chess" by Vladimir Vukovic and it sounds like exactly what i need teaching you how to think when attacking. anyone read it?