
Help me! He won't resign

 u r a plonker! too busy moaning on this forum because you didn't have the skill to finish him off and now you've lost on time! he could have and maybe should have resigned but the result justifies his attitude. remember there are only 2 ways of winning; checkmate and resignation, so if it's not one it's got to be the other !.. or failing to move within the time limit !!
Ranjan wrote:

last_file wrote: Game's over apb2120 lost on time.  Pity really, he had an easy win coming.

How can anybody win (even on time) when he does not have suffucient mating element? It should be declared a draw by the arbiters.   

Mate by white was unlikely, but not impossible. Black would have had to blunder away his queen and then play a highly improbable and very stupid series of moves afterward. There was no way for white to force mate, but it's still considered mating material as long as it could be used to mate against a perfectly inept defense.


This was a totally accidental checkmate. This guy didn't resign either despite being thumped throughout the game. So I thought it would be fun to see if I could manage to get 8 or 9 queens on the board. But unfortunately I blundered into checkmating him. Damn, I didn't concentrate and paid the price! LOL



Way to go bro!Sealed

Not resigning or quitting is a sign of deadgame or gameness in a fight. Will stay in the fight till the last breath.

To resign or not to resign is a players choice. Why question the man playing? If he don't resign, in due time, after his time lapse, he wil be still awarded a loss point and you earned a winning point.

If you had an opponent who don't want to resign in a game, don't let your self get troubled about it. It's no big deal.




maybe he's new in chess and doesn't know when to resign
I completely agree with the person above me.